Thursday, March 31, 2011

Follow Friday

I can't believe that it is almost Friday again!  It is also almost April and the beginning of baseball season.  Woot. Woot.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee as a forum for bloggers to meet and follow each others blogs.  It also is chance for one lucky blogger to be highlighted.  This week's lucky blogger is Books Ahoy. Congratulations!

Today's question is:

What is the book that you really don't want to admit to loving??

This is a tough one for me.  I am rarely embarrassed to admit that I love any books.  Occasionally I will read Janet Evanovich (One for the Money, etc.) books...and I'm usually pretty quiet about it when I do.  I think they are funny and are mindless reads.

OK.  So I had a true confession.  Now it is your turn.


  1. There are a couple of Regency romance authors that I like. My guilty pleasure is Mary Balogh. Mindless and happy. :)

  2. I'm not really embarrassed by any book I read. Although while I was trying the first BDB book (before I realized it wasn't my kind of read), I was quite embarrassed to take it around with me because of the cover and title.

  3. Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books are the ones that first came to my mind, too! I absolutely love them even though I know they're just fun fluff. I don't hide them or anything, though.

    Enjoy the weekend!


  4. Oh I love the Janet Evanovich books! Although I have to say, the Plum series is falling into that annoying "too long series" category for me lately.

  5. I used to be embarrassed by my vampire books but because of blogging I know more people who read them than not so it's all good! I have come out of hiding :-)


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