Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Snapshot Day in the Library

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library." -Jorge Luis Borges

Yesterday was Library Snapshot Day. Unfortunately the library was being used for kids to take a state mandated test yesterday so I ran around and snapped a few pictures today. Of course, I forgot to get the camera out when I had over 30 students in the library for a lesson on good first lines in books. I also forgot to get the camera out when Library Club members sat around discussing out next planned activity or talking up their favorite books. So what I am left with is a bunch of random pictures of students just using the library throughout the day. Since I didn't secure their permission to publish faces I am only hosting photos of the library where the students aren't recognizable. I'll do better next time!
Both girls wanted a romance!
Searching for a perfect book.
Searching the catalog.  This computer is dedicated to just that purpose.
Using the computers during lunch period.
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it." -Samuel Johnson
A group of kids sitting around the puzzle table.  (Sorry dark!)
One gal just couldn't find what she needed so she had to clean out her whole purse (no wonder!)
Helping each other locate good books.


  1. How fun! Our library participated in California's Snapshot Day back in October. I was surprised how many people came in on a rainy Monday! Bribing patrons with cookies really helped increase the number of surveys turned in.

  2. Anne - What a lovely space you've created!
    Thanks for sharing it.

  3. I loved seeing these pictures. Thanks!

  4. What fun! I love seeing pictures of your library - it's like you've brought me to work with you for the day - thanks!

    Looks like a very nice and very well-tended library - lucky students!

    My roommate from college is working as a HS librarian at her kids' school and loves it.


  5. Your library looks like such a well-loved space! Thanks for sharing your photos :)

  6. wow such a big library. my high-school library was puny and outdated. lucky kids.


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