Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rock the Drop! Support Teen Lit Day

Support Teen Lit Day: April 14, 2011.  
(Sponsored by Readergirlz)

Here's how:

1.  Copy the bookplate below and paste/tape it in a new or gently used YA book.

2.  Drop the book in a public place where a teen might find it.  Try a park bench, a bus seat, a lunch table.

3.  Take a photo of your dropped book.

4.  Post this on your blog and link back to Readergirlz (plus send your stories and photos to them!)

5.  Be creative and have fun.

I did a similar activity with my library club last year and we had so much fun sharing our book drop stories.  I want to do it again with my students this year but this time I am going ask the students to take pictures.

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful! Too bad they chose to schedule it on Poem In Your Pocket Day (or perhaps poets.org created the conflict?). Competing literary events: egads!
    Can't wait to see the photos, and you've inspired me to bring a book to drop along with all the poems I'll be scattering through town today!


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