Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Salon -- Feb. 2, 2025

Weather: It snowed this morning,  big fluffy flakes. Now it is overcast and threatening to rain. The weather report predicts a few days of the same weather pattern. We'll see.

Photo collages of what I've been up to (or plan to be up to...):

Don and I took our youngest grandson to Paradise in Mt. Rainier National Park for a day of snow fun. Jamie did his darndest to make a snow angel but the snow was hard-packed and by mid day we had stripped off most of our clothes, the temperature was 65 degrees Fahrenheit with all the radiant heat. It was a gorgeous and spectacular setting.

Books completed the last two weeks. Reviews: The Mighty Red; The Optimist's Daughter; Playground

Currently reading: 23% ,    10% (audio) ;       25% (Graphic memoir);        25% (audio)                                                                                                               

Up next: Part of a library book haul.

Both of my book clubs met last week. We discussed James in the RHS Ladies Club; and The Red Address Book in the SOTH Gals Club.

Top Ten Tuesday topics you may have missed:
1. Books I Was Reading the Last Week of January for the Past Ten Years
2. Most Recent Additions to My TBR List

Our dog, Mr. Charles Bingley, has finally figured out how to jump up on the couch. He's so proud of himself. Ha!

Happy week!


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