Monday, July 29, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Weird Reading Habits and Practices

Top Ten Tuesday: 
I'm off the board today.
Today I'm sharing some of my weird reading habits and practices. 
"Weird" definition -- (Adj.) Of strange or extraordinary character. Synonyms: odd, fantastical.

  1. I almost exclusively get books/audiobooks from the public library. This is good and bad. When I place holds on books they often become available all at the same time. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Everything.
  2. As I am reading I am obsessed with figuring out how many pages I've read, even for audiobooks. I often do the math to convert percentages into pages.
  3. After I've figured out the "page" I'm on for non-print books, I keep track of my progress on Goodreads.
  4. I usually divide books up into tenths in my mind. If a book has 350 pages, for example, I will tell myself I have to read 35 pages before I can stop reading.
  5. I have a really hard time starting a book over 400 pages long. I am not sure why I shy away from long books but I really have to psyche up to read them.
  6. Often I feel bogged down by a book until there are only 100 pages to go, then I think I'm almost finished. There is something magical about 100-pages-to-go for me.
  7. I listen to audiobooks when I drive. If I am stuck in traffic, no problem, more time to listen to the book.  
  8. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns I rarely did not finish (DNF) a book even if I didn't care for it. Since 2020 the DNF floodgates were opened up for me and now I am much more likely to set aside a book I don't like. Last DNF, Bee Sting by Paul Murray.
  9. Weeks before I travel anywhere I always make sure I have plenty of reading material queued up ready to go. I spend more time thinking about reading material than what I will pack to wear.
  10. I enjoy reading, ranking, and keeping track of the award books I read: Pulitzer, National Book Award, Women's Prize, and Printz. I also like to total up the books I've read from lists like the Best Books of the 21st Century that was published on New York Times last week.
How about you? What weird reading practices or habits do you have.


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