Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday Salon --- It is not time to panic

In honor of Independence Day, my 4th of July rose is blooming this week!

Lovely. The only problem? When the weather is lovely and not too hot, everyone decides it's time to mow their lawns. It is downright noisy around here.

Take a roadtrip with books: Here are my suggestions for a road trip with books from US States and Territories. Jump aboard.

Don't panic: After the terrible debate between Biden and Trump it seemed like everyone went into immediate panic, asking if Biden is too old to lead the country for four more years. I went to bed on Thursday thinking all kinds of doom and gloom thoughts, imagining a world with Trump as president again. Ugh. But I awoke with a renewed determination to spread the word -- All is well. We mustn't panic. So today I am sharing with you snatches of tweets, videos, memes, etc. to help you find your Zen on this topic, too. (I recognize that some of you won't care at all, and today's blogpost may not be for you. That's okay, just come back next week when I talk about my favorite things -- books.)
  • Lawrence O’Donnell hosts “The Last Word” on MSNC at 7:00 PDT. This 20 minute segment REALLY helped settle me down. I look on it as a public service. View his opener on MSNBC. You’ll feel better. (If you only watch one thing, this is what I recommend.)
  • Biden in North Carolina a day after the debate. He has his mojo back. Link here to YouTube.

  • "Biden is going to win. Buck up! " A helpful article by - Robert Hubbell

  • One the same line: An editorial In the Philadelphia Inquirer "To serve our country, Donald Trump should leave the race."
  • Some focus groups turned toward Biden after the debate. 80% said the debate did not change their minds. (DailyKos)
  • And this:

  • Trump lied. No fact-checking was done during the debate. After the debate this guy on posted this fact check on CNN. 

  • Biden Won the Debate. When you are talking to others about the debate insist that Biden won the debate. (Dkos)

    Trump Lied, Biden Told the Truth

    We knew that CNN wouldn’t fact check Trump real time. So we have to do it. We need to get on social media and simply say, “Biden won the debate because Trump lied every time he opened his mouth.” Then provide ONE example...maybe two. But not three or four.

    Trump Makes Personal Attacks, Biden Makes Plans to Help Americans

    Biden won because he didn’t resort to schoolyard personal attacks. He calmly told America what he’s done for them and what he’ll do for them during the next four years. Then provide one example of how Biden has and will help Americans.

    Trump Tried to Be A Bully, Biden is a Statesman

    Biden won because he was serene and civil as the President of the greatest nation should be.  Trump blustered and attempted to bully the President because that’s all he can do. He has no plans or principles.  

    Trump is Just Plain Ignorant, Biden Knows the Score

    Biden won because he had the facts at hand. Trump is all wind and hot air because...well, because he doesn’t know anything.  

    So, get on Facebook, Instagram, and all your other social media. Write a letter to the editor. Text all your friends.  In every correspondence say,  “Biden won the debate and here’s why….”  and use one of the  points above. Or come up with one or two of your own.

    We should control the narrative. We can control the narrative. A lot depends on it.

  • Most important: Don't panic!
And now the palette cleanser: More photos of the 4th of July rose blooming in my yard this week leading up to our Independence Day.

Happy 4th of July!


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