Thursday, March 14, 2024


Title: Lady Tan's Circle of Women by Lisa See

Book Beginning quote:

Friday56 quote:
“I wish I were a giant gingko tree hundreds of years old, with the deep roots it takes to stand strong against mighty winds. Instead, I feel like a sapling in a typhoon, desperately trying to hang on.”
Summary: This historical novel is inspired by the true story of a female physician living during the 15th century in China, Lady Tan Yunxian. She was born into an elite family, was trained to be a female doctor by her grandmother who was also a doctor for women, was married into another elite family at age 15 where her mother-in-law didn't want her to practice her craft. Her first days in her new home, as a young bride, Yunxian was tremendously lonely and bored. She wanted to work, yet she was expected to embroider foot slippers for bound feet, recite poetry, give birth to sons, and stay within the confines of the family compound, The Garden of Fragrant Delights. Eventually she is allowed to practice medicine, but only for women. In breaking with tradition, she goes on to treat women and girls from all walks of society, writes a book, and develops treatments which are still used today. "Lady Tan's Circle of Women is a captivating story of women helping other women. It is also a triumphant reimagining of the life of a woman who was remarkable in the Ming dynasty and would be considered remarkable today" (Publisher).

Review: Lady Tan's Circle of Women is tremendously interesting and scrupulously researched. This is the third book I've read by Lisa See and I felt the same way about the other two books. I learned so much and had my eyes opened about aspects of history I knew nothing about.  The existence of women in the 15th century in China (and all around the world) was so bleak. They had few rights and were never thought of as equals with men. Yet, here is Lady Tan, an amazing woman and physician that defies all expectations and lives an important life, one that matters even today.

I can't even begin to tell you everything about this book, nor would I want to since I hope you will read it for yourself. But I want you to know about this incredible resource Lisa See has put together about the book Lady Tan's Circle of Women, Chinese medicine, foot-binding, and so much more. I think I could spend several days exploring all the resources she has put together for her readers. STEP INSIDE: THE WORLD OF LADY TAN . It is the best book resource I have ever encountered. Read the book. Visit the website. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. My one bummer, I will have to miss the book club where this book will be discussed.


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