Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sunday Salon --- Christmas 2023 Edition

Our advent season: Sisters; Grinch; Santa Parade; Bingley; Decorations; Decorating; Christmas pageant at church -- Jamie is the donkey, Ian a cow.

Weather: It was sunny on Saturday. Lovely dog-walking weather.

This story just make me smile: This is the one of the things I love most about neighborhoods just come alive with decorations and colorful lights. And this man in Minnesota goes over the top on his one tree. (Link to the video story to see this beautiful tree.) I don't live anywhere near Minnesota, but even driving around my neighborhood in the evening makes me smile.
Jerry Lageson has lived over 40 years outside of Faribault, Minnesota, within (near) hearing distance of the main drag of the loud and ceaseless traffic on Interstate 35. He also has a red oak on his property and he has taken to putting lights on it for this dark season. Its a 40-foot-tree and he rents a power lift each year to put 50,000 tiny white lights on every limb, branch and twig. And as you can SEE IN THIS VIDEO STORY the effect is magical and inspiring. Thousands of passing vehicles every night are downright enchanted. Professional truckers sound their horns and will even pull into the left lane for a better look. Just charming and just right for these days. Instead of gritching about all the noise from the traffic Jerry does something that delights everyone. Some good news we can all cherish this year.
My youngest turned 32 this week!: And we were treated to a wonderful day of music the day before this blessed event. Carly has a lovely voice and has attached herself to two choirs. It just so happened that both were holding their Christmas concerts on the same day, last Sunday. First she sang a cantata for Christmas with the church choir during the Sunday service. Her sister and father also sang the Cantata and I was one of the narrators.  After the service we all drove together to Tacoma for her concert with the Northwest Repertory Singers. What a beautiful program of Christmas music around the theme of the word NOEL. I am so, so glad Carly still sings and has found outlets to use her talents. As the mother of musical kids, it doesn't seem like Christmas can come without a Holiday concert. My heart is ready now.

Carly's birthday tablecloth
The tablecloth: After the concert we hosted a small party at our home to honor the birthday girl. Three work/college friends joined our family. Don and I served a lovely lasagna dinner and we all enjoyed the free-flowing conversation, the joy of being around good friends and loved ones, and eating delicious food. But the real star, or at least what Carly's friends paid the most attention to, was her birthday tablecloth. They were enchanted by all the puff-paint signatures on it representing all her birthdays from ages 1-22. No one has signed it for ten years, but these three friends insisted on adding their names. I started this tradition when my kids were babies to commemorate each birthday. As we look over the tablecloth we can recall who was present at each of her parties over the years. Carly's happiness was palpable. Such joy!

 Books: I am frantically trying to finish up my reading goals before the end of the year. After Christmas, I will publish my 2023 end-of-the-year report about all my favorite books. Watch for it!

Holiday movie recommendation: The Man Who Invented Christmas

To ponder:

And for laughs:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Sasha. Photo by R. Adams


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