Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Nonfiction November Wrap-up, Week Five

Hi everyone. Another Nonfiction November is rapidly coming to an end. For Week Five I am supposed to report on all the nonfiction titles I added to my TBR this month after reading about new books on others' blogs. I admit I didn't do this. I did visit others' blogs but I am focused right now on a ginormous list of nominated nonfiction titles for the Cybils Award (over 240 books). As a Round 2 judge in that category I thought I'd use the month to get a jump on some of the books that may make the finalists lists.

Here are the nonfiction books I read this month, by category. No bragging, though it will seem like I am, but I read a lot of books this month:

Cybils Nominated Books -- Elementary Nonfiction



After reading these eighteen books, and several others completed in October from this category, I decided that I liked them all. The five star books are just a bit more interesting or engaging to me than the four star books. So I decided to spend the rest of my pre-judging period in November and December focusing on the middle grade and high school nonfiction nominated books. They take much longer to read and the quality seems to vary much more.

Cybils Nominated -- Middle Grades Nonfiction 

Cybils Nominated -- High School Nonfiction (Both read and currently reading)

And a memoir which is a graphic memoir (so it is not in the nonfiction category.)

Nonfiction/Cybils titles currently on my TBR at the library waiting for me:

I did manage to read one memoir not related to Cybils and attempted to read another but abandoned it during this month of read nonfiction.

Nonfiction books I've recently added to my TBR on goodreads (in the last two months):

So that is my Nonfiction November. I read 23 nonfiction titles, most of them children's books but I did learn a lot from them. I am currently working on two more books for Cybils, have nine in the queue at the library and five newly posted nonfiction titles to my Goodreads TBR. Whew!

Thanks to hosts for making Nonfiction November possible.

And thanks to my readers for your enthusiasm and support.


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