Thursday, July 13, 2023

Let's Discuss: Where to post reviews

Where do you post your book reviews?

I post my reviews on my blog. Then I link, if I think to go back and do it, to my Goodreads account where I've already given my very short, initial reaction to the book as soon as I've finished it. I don't really even consider what I say on Goodreads as reviews. I think of my thoughts as 'reactions.' See sample below.

But now I am rethinking this.

Am I doing it backwards? Maybe I should be writing longer reviews on Goodreads and short, pithy reactions to books on my blog. Saving my blog for weekly memes and my personal updates.

Why change?

I get very little traffic on the blog concerning my reviews. No big deal but it does seem like I go through a lot of effort just to basically keep a record of the books I've read and what I thought of them for myself. And if I am interested in what others think of a book, I go to Goodreads and read five six of the reviews there. Unless I am already visiting a blog, like one of yours, and notice that you have reviewed a book I'm interested in, then I will stop and read your review. I'm assuming you do the same thing for reviews on my blog.

I guess I could be asking, why blog review at all? I could be posting reviews on Goodreads and save myself the hassles associated with blog reviews, aka making the review look 'pretty' with graphics, etc. Or maybe, I could continue writing reviews which I publish on my blog and instead of linking that review on Goodreads, I could copy and paste the review from blog to Goodreads.

How do you handle/manage your reviews?

Let's discuss in the comments below.


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