Monday, May 15, 2023

TTT: Things Getting in the Way of Reading

Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading


This list seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? 

What gets in the way of reading? LIFE!

Now, to be fair, I am retired so I don't have work life to take up my attention and my energy. So I hope no one thinks I am complaining about my life. I'm not. 

But here are a few distractions:

This guy: Super Jamie, the caped wonder. We babysit our youngest grandson one day every other week.

Traveling: We just got back from 3000+ mile road trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, three national parks, one Nevada State Park, and Las Vegas. It is hard to read when one is sightseeing but we actually listened to all or part of 5 recorded books while on the road.  
Family stuff!

Family of origin: My mother is still living, age 94, and I have three siblings. We try to gather as often as we can but we live in four different states so it takes time and coordination to set up our visits.

Oregon Football: We are season ticket holders. Our autumns are consumed with Duck Football. But once again Don and I usually listen to audiobooks as we race up and down the freeway to get to the games so it is not a total loss of reading. Photo taken of the mascot who was pretending to be Bat Duck. (Look for the yellow circle. That is us!)

Grand Adventures: Grandkids, Grandparents

Gardening: I'm a putterer. Nothing serious.

Board games: New favorite-- Wingspan.

Other things: Church, cooking, eating, TV, grooming, lazy, distracted, sleeping, walking the name it. But the worst: getting stuck inside a boring or badly-written book.


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