Monday, March 6, 2023

TTT: Jane Austen characters I'd like to meet in person

Top Ten Tuesday: Literary characters I'd like to meet in person, Jane Austen edition.

I love all of Jane Austen's books, most of the movies made of her books, and the spinoffs created by others using her characters or settings. Here is a list of her characters (or spin-off characters) I'd most like to meet in person and why.


1. Miss Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) -- Because she is so grounded, smart, and unflappable.

2. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice) -- Is he really as handsome, shy, and rich as we are led to believe?

3. Mr. Charles Bingley (Pride and Prejudice) -- Is he really as affable and charming, yet gullible as he is portrayed?

4. Mr. George Knightley (Emma) -- I wonder if his name matches his real personality, one full of valor.

5. Miss Anne Elliot (Persuasion) -- Because she remained so level-headed when raised by the most narcissistic father in all of literature.

6. Miss Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility) -- I'm sure we could be great friends.

7. Mr. Henry Crawford (Mansfield Park) -- Because I want to check him out. As my favorite Austen cad I want to know why I cheered for him to turn from the "dark side." (Which he didn't.)

8. Mr. Henry Tilney (Northanger Abbey) -- Is he really as kind and thoughtful in person as he is in the book?

9. Miss Charlotte Heywood (Sanditon, TV mini-series) -- Sanditon was never completed by Austen before her death. I'd like to ask Charlotte what the TV producers got right and wrong when they completed the story for the series. (I think I know some of the answers,)

10. Mr. James Stringer (Sanditon, TV mini-series) -- I'd like to find out if he ever went to architecture school and why he was dropped after season one. (Was he in the book, half finished by Austen? I don't think so.)


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