Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Classics Club SPIN #33


I wasn't paying attention and I missed the announcement of the next Classics Club SPIN book event (#33). Anyway. No problem I'll just jump in and try to catch up. 

First I will create a 20-book list from my classic club list and post it.

Then I will peek at the number book I'm supposed to read this time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is a short one since I'm ten days late already.

Then I will announce the winner before I even publish this post.

And lastly I will finish the book before April 30th.

Note: I recently updated my list and removed and added books to accommodate books from the 100 Books Everyone Should Read Before They Die list. I sure hope I have enough time to finish it before I die. If I don't hurry up I may not make it. 😏

Here is my list:

1. Aleph and Other Stories

2. Charlie and the chocolate factory

3. Sherlock Holmes

4. Passage to India

5. Madame Bovary

6. Grimm's Fairy Tales

7. Scarlet Letter

8. Illiad

9. Sound of the mountain

10. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

11. Excellent Women

12. Hamlet

13. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

14. Frankenstein

15. Tale of Genji

16. Dracula

17. The Optimist’s Daughter

18. Romeo and Juliet

19. Code of Woosters

20. Mrs. Dalloway

And the spin number is:  

That's Roman numeral for 18.

Romeo and Juliet!!!!

Perfect. I have seen the play several times but I've never actually read it. And...we will be traveling to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon the end of April to see it.


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