Monday, April 18, 2022

TTT: Bookish Paraphernalia I Own

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Paraphernalia I Own
My tweak of today's topic. I honestly don't collect or try to own many bookish items, other than books, but I did find these "gems" around the house when I marched around looking for them today. In total I found more bookish paraphernalia than I thought I would.

Book-related puzzles.  
I have several jigsaw puzzles on bookish themes. This one is a Jane Austen puzzle and the box is the shape of a book.

 A basket full of bookmarks. 
I honestly don't collect book marks I just seem to have a ton of them and one time I decided to put them all in one place, a little basket.

I have several pins with on bookish topics. This one says 'Austen is My Homegirl.' It has lived on this cat sweater for so long I dare not remove it or it would likely reveal a hole.

Actual letters (tee-hee) from both Captain Wentworth (Persuasion) and from Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice). These were recent gifts from my daughter and have the text directly from the books.

Book earrings.
They are made of paper and have actual pages.

A bracelet I once commissioned with the charms being made from my favorite books at the time. It is so cumbersome, however, I never wore the bracelet, sadly. 😞

A wooden placard.
The message: "I cannot live without books" by Thomas Jefferson, was a gift from my husband after he visited Jefferson's estate in Virginia. I had this on display in my library all the years I served as the librarian.

A clever contraption.
It is weighted and allows the reader to read hands free (until it is time to turn the page.) Mine says: 'So many little time.' Ain't that the truth?

A Jane Austen doll.
I'm pretty sure that J.A. didn't actually look like this but I still like the doll a lot. Another gift.

Beatrix Potter figurines.
I shouldn't really count this since these little guys belong to my daughter, but they are still in my house and I think they are so cute and I love all of Beatrix Potter's characters. Don't you?

Bookish art!
A decoratively folded page from an old dictionary.

Once again, something Jane Austen. This time is it a collection of magnets with sayings from her books and letters. 

From the NYC Public library with bookish quotes.

This necklace is doubled-sided. William Shakespeare on one side. The reverse is 'A is for Anne', a piece from a Scrabble game.

And my favorite....

My actual thumbprint turned into bookish art.
With the lines of the print being titles of my fifty favorite book titles at the time of its creation. This is a large piece of art, a gift given me and commissioned by my husband. The photo is from Cheryl Sorg's webpage. I removed the photograph of my thumbprint, not wanting some nefarious person to do something bad with it. Mine looks like the upper left corner of this photo with the print matted and framed.


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