Thursday, September 23, 2021

Banned Books Week -- Sept. 26-Oct. 2


Banned Books Week

Sept. 26-Oct 2, 2021

Plan ahead!

Read a banned or censored book and blog about it.

Use these BBW promotional tools from the ALA on your social media page.

Make a list of your Top Ten favorite banned/challenged books. Post it someplace.

Play Banned Books Trivia with your friends, students, family. (You can download the questions for the game merely by inputting your name and email address.)

 Librarians: Use these "Shelf Talker" flyers. Have students help you fill them out and place them properly on the shelf above a previously banned or challenged book.

Book store owners: Do the same thing as above except have your employees help you fill out and place tags.

Print off and post Censorship by the Numbers. 

Attend live Banned Books Week Coalition events on Facebook. For details head over to the Banned Books Week Home Page, sponsored by The American Library Association. 

Check the Top Ten Most Challenged Books lists from previous years here. (The only two I haven't read on last year's list are: George by Alex Gino and All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendon Kiely. time to add those to my reading list!)

Do your homework. Figure out why your favorite books have been challenged.

Ten of my favorite banned or challenged books are:

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian / Alexie

To Kill a Mockingbird / Lee

Eleanor and Park / Rowell

Looking for Alaska / Green

The Hate U Give / Thomas 

The Harry Potter series / Rawling

The Holy Bible

The Kite Runner / Hosseini 

Bless Me, Ultima / Anaya

The Hunger Games / Collins 





  1. I've read four of those, and part of the Bible.

  2. Oh, how I loved Bless Me, Ultima and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Eleanor and Park is also a favorite, as are The Hate U Give and The Kite Runner. I need to read Looking For Alaska as I really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars. Lots of great books on this list. I would also add Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, which is wonderful. I'm anxious to read the sequel.

  3. I've read 5 of your top 10, TKAM, Eleanor & Park, HP series, The bible I still read daily, and The Hunger Games.

  4. I have a bunch of links sitting in my email inbox to do a banned book post this weekend. When I was a librarian it was one of my favorite weeks because I had great talks with students about why books get banned, which of their favorites have been banned, etc.


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.