Monday, February 1, 2021

TTT: Books I'd like to read that were published before I was born

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'd like to read that were published before I was born

Since I am pretty old, born in 1957, all these books will look like 'classics'. All these books have spent a fair amount of time on my 'to-be-read' list.

1. Lost Horizon by James Hilton (1933)

2. The Trial by Franz Kafka (1925)

3. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (1818)

4. Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (1939)

5. Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (1925)

6. The Bridge at San Luis Ray by Thorton Wilder (1927)

7. The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith (1955)

8. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell (1855)

9. Excellent Women by Barbara Pym (1952)

10. My First Summer in the Sierra by John Muir (1911)

Note: I purposely attempted to select books by female authors when I created this list. I did it. 50/50.



  1. I know I've read Frankenstein and Grapes of Wrath in high school, but I'm clearly getting old enough for my memory to be affected, because I don't remember much about either! Great list.

  2. I LOVE that Lost Horizon cover! In fact I just re- read that book this past year and really enjoyed it. The grapes of Wrath cover feels iconic to me as well.

  3. I've never read North and South.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I've heard it is good but it is also long (500+ pages) which always gives me pause.

  4. I loved North & South, definitely one that's worth a read! :D Happy reading! :D My TTT

  5. The Grapes of Wrath was excellent.

    My post.

    1. For some reason, I've noticed the past few weeks that your hyperlink doesn't open. Oh well, I will try to find you another way.

  6. I remember reading Grapes of Wrath and crying through it. I want to read Lost Horizon, too.

  7. I've not read any of these, classics aren't really my thing, but I hope you enjoy them!
    My TTT:

    1. As I said in my comments I am so old the books I choose will all seem like classics! Ha!

  8. The Grapes of Wrath made my list, too. I read it in high school and have been meaning to reread it for years! North and South is excellent... Wives and Daughters is on my list and I'm hoping it's just as good.

    1. Grapes of Wrath won the Pulitzer in its day and is on my Pulitzer Challenge to read. I will get on it as soon as Cybils is over.

  9. Good choices. There are so many books that I haven't read. It's overwhelming, if I think about it too much. So, I don't.

    1. I didn't read many classics as a teenager or as a young adult so I always feel like I am catching up on some imaginary list of must-reads!

  10. I at least know that Frankenstein & Grapes of Wrath were pretty good, even though it's been a few ages since I've read them!

  11. Oooh, great list! I have so many classics on my TBR list!

    Let's see ... I greatly enjoyed Frankenstein on audio - it is far more thoughtful than I expected and nothing like the movies!

    I read Grapes of Wrath and The Bridge of San Luis Rey (still have my copy!) in high school, but I would like to read them both again - it was a long time ago!

    And I am sorry to admit that I really struggled with Mrs. Dalloway, though I know lots of people love it. Just not my thing, I guess.

    The rest on your list I still need to read!

    Great list, Anne!


    Book By Book

  12. I also want to read Grapes of Wrath! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  13. As you may remember, I am not really a classics person. My eyes start to glaze over when faced with their covers. I feel like I am in confession! However, one of my favorites from before I was born is Fahrenheit 451.

  14. I enjoyed Grapes of Wrath and Mrs. Dalloway! Dalloway is a super quick read, but so beautiful!

  15. I really like Mrs. Dalloway! And Excellent Women is my favorite Pym novel. :)

  16. Great list. Frankenstein is the only one I've read, but I read it at 18 and I was pleasantly surprised by how quick and intriguing a read it was.

    Patricia Highsmith is a writer my mom loves -- her absolute favorite is Edith's Diary, but The Talented Mr. Ripley was also high up there. Speaking of, you're about my mom's age; I am genuinely curious if you recognize any on my list this week.

    1. I was surprised to see that I am barred from commenting on your blog. I tried to log in via Google and it said I had to chat via Google Live thing. I'm pretty sure that I haven't done anything to upset you so I wonder if you have your controls on so tight that no one but your very best friends can comment.I didn't read any of those books when I was young, but I did read Misty of Chincotigue to my daughters when they were young and we all loved it.

    2. Oh, that's so weird -- thank you for letting me know. As far as I know, comments should be open to everyone and I definitely didn't ban you on purpose, but now I'm wondering if I accidentally did at one point while trying to unscreen an earlier comment. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to fix that if I did; the only users showing as banned are registered LJ blogs. I do appreciate that you were able to leave an anonymous comment.

  17. What a great set of books. I finally read Frankenstein for the first time last year and adored it, so it's fun seeing it featured.

  18. I always say I'm going to read Frankenstein for Halloween but I never get around to it! Great list!


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