Monday, January 18, 2021

TTT: Books I Meant to Read In 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I meant to read in 2020 and still want to.

2020. What a weird year. I didn't finish over 20 books that I actually started, a personal bad record. Many of those books are books I really want to read/finish. There are also other books which are called out to be read all year and I ignored their plea. Listed are these books. Will I get to them in 2021? Who knows.


1. Anxious People by Frederik Backman---I read over half of it before the library checkout ran out. I got back in line and now have to wait another 5 weeks before it is my turn again.

2. Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf---I played along with the Classics Club spin and this is the book I was supposed to read. I didn't. Not one page.

3. The Toll (Arc of a Scythe #3) by Neal Shusterman---I read devoured the first two books in the series and intended to read this third book in 2020. Didn't happen.

4. Island of Sea Women by Lisa See---I actually checked out the audiobook for this one but didn't take the time to listen to it. I think I still want to read it. Not sure.

5. The Beast Player by Nahoko Uehashi---I have a goal to read all the Printz winners and honors books. This is one of the honor books and I still haven't read it.

6. The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd---I had high hopes for this book since I love the author but I didn't make any effort whatsoever to read it.

7. A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green---the second book in a series that I really liked. I actually used a Audible Credit to get this book so I have no excuse other than I haven't read it (listened to it) yet.

8. Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo---I read about a third of it before the library checkout expired and the book disappeared off my reader. I just got it back but haven't started it back up.

9. The Midnight Library by Matt Hoag---I honestly think this book is the most likely of all teh books on this list that I WILL actually read. Sounds too good to miss.

10. Apple: Skin to the Core by Eric Gansworth---A Native American author who writes stories and poems of being called an "apple", red on the outside, white on the inside. I have a copy of the book on my nightstand. Will I get to it?



  1. I missed The Midnight Library as well. I really, really want to read it still. I just gotta find a time to pack it in somewhere between other books. RIP.

    1. As soon as Cybils judging is over, this will be the first book I cue up.

  2. The Midnight Library sounds FABULOUS.

  3. you picked great books, I read the last bottom four, and can only recommend them all. So good in their own way, and all different :D happy reading

    ~ Corina |

  4. Clap When You Land was one of my favourite books of last year. Hope you get to it, and the rest of these books soon :)
    My TTT.

  5. Anxious People was such an inspiring and unique read! I've seen and heard only good things about it. It was a 5 star read for me :)

  6. I had a tough time when our library closed this year and I had to resort to reading only what I had at home. I particularly liked Midnight Library. It seemed like a It's a Wonderful Life sort of story, and I seemed to need that last year.

  7. It would stink to be halfway through a book and then lose it! I hope you can stop by:


  8. I still need to read Clap When You Land as well. Hope you can finish it this time.

    My post.

  9. I'm reading The Midnight Library at the moment, it's been pretty good!
    My TTT:

  10. Anxious People is one of my favorite (maybe the top) of 2020. I hope you get to read it soon.

  11. I'd really like to read APPLE. Another one to add to my TBR! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

  12. I've heard such great things about Anxious People. I hope you love the second half. It's such a pain when the library checkout time ends before you're finished with the book.

  13. Clap When You Land was one of my favorites of the year. I hope you enjoy!

  14. I haven't read any of these but I hate when I have to return unfinished library books with long hold times. By the time I get them back, I've usually completely forgotten what was going on. I really want to read Anxious People and The Midnight Library too. I hope you enjoy these when and if you get (back) to them!

  15. Mrs. Dalloway is great! And a super quick read. I also want to read Clap When You Land, Anxious People, and The Midnight Library. I hope you enjoy the ones you get to! :)

  16. Great list! I also need to read the Toll too!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I hope I can read Toll without rereading the others first.

  17. I have such a loooooong list of books I meant to read in 2020, but didn't get to. On your list, I really enjoyed the following:
    The Toll (not my favorite in the series, but still good). Island of Sea Women (I love her books and this one still pops into my mind occasionally). Clap When You Land

    Anxious People is on my TBR shelf.

  18. Clap When You Land and The Midnight Library were both outstanding. I hope you enjoy!

  19. Hope you enjoy ALL of these books, Anne! Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week; and my apologies it took me this long to visit. :)


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