Tuesday, December 1, 2020

TTT: Books I'd like to re-read

 Top Ten Books: Books I'd like to re-read soon.

1. SERIES. The Harry Potter series. My daughter has read the series through four or five times and I keep telling myself I should/could re-read the whole series again, too. The Raven Cycle series has also been calling out to be re-read. Will these books still be magical for me if I do ?

2. Something by JANE AUSTEN. I've read all six of her novels plus her book fragments and novellas. That said,  I am feeling the itch to read something by my favorite author again. Methinks I will give Northanger Abbey or Persuasion a re-read soon.

3.  CLASSICS. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. As I look back on my childhood I think I read a whole bunch of classics in a highly abridges form, part of the Great Illustrated Classics series for kids. This book was one of them. I want to read it unabridged now. Add David Copperfield and  Jane Eyre to this category for the same reason.

4. BOOKS I OWN. Remarkable Trees of the World by Thomas Parkham. I read this one very fast one day while I was supervising test-takers in the library. Now I want to sit and linger over the stories of the most remarkable trees in the world. And I bought myself a copy so there is no excuse. Add Cold Sassy Tree to this category.

5. BOOKS I LOVE. Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey. I loved, loved, loved this book so much first time around but the story has faded. Time for a re-read. Add Scorpio Races and The Goldfinch into this same category. (Whoops! I pictured Stargirl here but it belongs with the list below. Nevermind. I do love it because it is go good!)

6. SO GOOD THEY MUST BE REREAD. The Phantom Tollbooth. I told myself that this is a book that needs to be reread at least every other year and yet I haven't done it yet. Stargirl. The Little Prince. To Kill a Mockingbird.



  1. Jane Eyre was on my list, too!

    My post.

  2. This is a marvelous list. I agree completely with every book you listed that I have read. There are four I haven't read (Scorpio Races, Jasper Jones, Remarkable Trees, and Cold Sassy) and I've just added them to my library-books-to-request list.

  3. Awesome list! I've gotta try the Raven Cycle series one of these days. It sounds fantastic. :)

  4. I am feeling reading classics in this month because it was my goal to start reading them this year but I only read Emma, maybe I should! Your list is making me feel like reading it more haha
    Here's my post

  5. I could reread the Harry Potter series again. And I've been thinking I'd like to reread Emma by Jane Austen. (Mostly because I just watched the movie again.) :)

  6. I would love to reread The Raven Cycle at some point.

  7. OOh nice! HP is definitely a popular pick! I still need to read The Scorpio Races for the first time myself! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  8. I rarely re-read books, BUT I love TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD so I re-read it every few years. I read the HP books as they came out and, so far, I've only re-read the first couple. I need to revisit the whole series. Great list!

    Happy TTT!

  9. I liked Tom Sawyer as a kid. I'd like to read some Austen as well one of these here days!

  10. Great list. I'd love to reread Austen too. The Phantom Tolbooth is a great pick for this list, I could reread it ten times and still never be bored!

  11. Amazing list of books. I remember loving Cold Sassy Tree when I read it, but I am just not a re-reader. Except Harry Potter and Little House on the Prairie, which I re-read to my daughter.

  12. Love these, and I mentioned Scorpio Races today too. I couldn't get into the Raven Cycle though, and Stargirl just annoys me. I really need to read the trees book for sure!

  13. I adore Austen and P&P was on my Top Ten rereads list too

  14. I've reread the Harry Potter series once and it was still just as magical. I've reread The Raven Cycle multiple times. I always enjoy it. <3

  15. I didn't expect to see Cold Sassy Tree on a list this week, but I'm so glad you included it! One of my favorites.


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