Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Salon, 2nd Sunday of Advent

Ian gets to decorate his own tree.

Yesterday was beautiful, crisp and clear. Don got out and finished putting up the outdoor Christmas lights. I took the dog for a long walk. The weatherman says that rain is coming, but what is new in the Pacific Northwest? The rain is always coming.

Family News: This past week is sort of a blur in my memory punctuated by a crescendo...our upstairs toilet's water supply line exploded and water poured forth. The first we knew anything was wrong was when our daughter noticed water dripping from the light fixtures in the kitchen below. Since that event our house has been taken over by big blowers and dehumidifiers, attempting to dry out the floor boards and walls before we can really determine the extent of the damage. It is so ironic that this freak event happened in 2020, don't you think?


  1. I completed The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. It has taken me over thirteen years to complete this 2000 Booker Prize-winner. Now I can check it off my list and be done with it. Click the link for my review.
  2. Started: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (audio) and Anxious People by Fredik Backman (e-book).

Good News:

1. Rachel Maddow urges Americans to do one thing: ignore Trump. So that's what I'm doing. (HuffPost)

2. #ThanksBiden was trending No.1 on Twitter Saturday. So many people are just as happy and excited as I am for the upcoming administration. If you can, spend a little time with these 'friends' on Twitter like I did. And look what I found there...

3. And this.

4. Jupiter and Saturn will appear to converge in the night sky. The first 'double planet' in 800 years. Look for it Dec. 21st. The last time this conjunction was visible was March 1226. So to refer to this as a once-in-a-lifetime event is an understatement. (WaPo)

5. NPR Book Concierge. Looking for a good book to read, published in 2020? Check this out. Super Cool. (NPR)

6. This might be the news that finally gets men to wear masks.... (DKos)

On the lighter side:

1. Arms to short? Head too large?

2. It took me forever to see what he was talking about. Now I can't un-see it, just like he said.  Ha!

3.  What, no political funnies this week? Nope. Just silly stuff like this.

4. Okay, maybe a little political. The funnest part of this is who wrote it...Dan Rather.

 Inspiring: Asian woman paints tiger on fence. Unbelievable. (YouTube)



  1. How great "his own personal Christmas tree." I love the dinosaur and the Dan Rather posts LOL - Happy December Anne.

    1. I laughed and laughed about the dinosaur. Have a good week.

  2. I saw that Dan Rather tweet and laughed out loud. He has great tweets in general. The KFC meme is creepy, but you're right, now I'll never unsee it. If you could send some of your rain down our way, we'd appreciate it. It's going to be another dry one for us and we even have a red flag warning tomorrow.

  3. What a mess! I'm so sorry about your "flood." I've been there and it's NO FUN. Ian's tree s adorable. I really liked "The Blind Assassin" as I recall. It was a long time ago though.

    1. I think The Blind Assassin suffered in my estimation because of how long it took me to read (listen) to it. Plus I'll throw in politics and the pandemic. But I will not reread it in a better year to see if I am right.

  4. Hope you are able to get all of that mess cleaned up quickly. Yes, only in 2020.

    I had to laugh about the If Anything Will Get These Idiots to Wear a Mask article. Of course the idiots aren't listening to any news stations that offer science, sadly....

    My husband told me that the first lady apparently opened up some new sports offering at the White House yesterday. What a contrast to Biden on Thanksgiving!

    Thank you for sharing the important things with us each week. I do hope you can get into a good book soon.

    1. I was finally settling into Anxious People by Backman when *poof it disappeared. The library took it back because of the due date so now I have to wait another 11 weeks until my turn again. Poo! This has been a problem for me in 2020.

  5. Oh my goodness, 2020 continues to throw things at us. Hope it dries up quickly for you!

  6. Always love your funnies, Anne! Especially T Rex with his tiny arms trying to read - ha ha. And I've never seen that in the KFC logo before - hilarious!

    You inspired me to hop over to Amazon and order my 95yo FIL his own little tabletop Christmas tree. He says he doesn't want any decorations, but I think it will brighten up his apartment.

    Great books you are currently reading! I want to read both of those.

    Enjoy your books and your week, Anne -


    Book By Book


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