Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunday Salon, Biden won edition!

Don woke me up this morning, Saturday, with the news that the networks had finally called the 2020 election for Joe Biden! Finally! After four long days of waiting. Heck, four long years!

Who cares what's happening outside? It is sunny inside!

Election: Several friends and family members send me items to include in this post, encouraging me to continue, at least for the time being, with some political thoughts and funnies. Here goes...

1. Biden is our President-elect!

2. Kamala Harris is the Vice-President-elect. She will also be the first African American, the first Asian American, and the first female Vice President in U.S. history. Can I hear an amen? It's been a long time coming.

3. They were dancing in Philly, the city where the Declaration of Independence was written and signed. Very appropriate place to be the center of the win for Biden. (Twitter)

4. Van Jones breaks down in response to Biden win. Character matters. If you watch just one thing today on this blog, watch this. (CNN) (Thanks for pointing this one out to me,Kathy.)

5. Stephen Colbert breaks down in tears on his shows as he talks about Trump and his unwillingness to accept the election results and whipping up his followers to dispute the results. (Megaphone)

6. Counties with the highest coronavirus rates are also the the counties where Trump's election numbers are the highest. Following Trump and Fox News is deadly. (AP)

Musical Interlude: Friday, after Pennsylvania turned, we were finally ready to party with Kool and the Gang singing 'Celebration'

Lighter side:

1. An oldie but goodie, fast forward to the 4 minutes mark. It seems very prescient. (President does want to go, Comedy Central.) Thanks, Kathy for this find.

2. The GOP put out a call on Twitter for people to report election fraud. This is the kind of response they got. You would think they would have learned their lesson after they tried in 2018 to set up a hotline to collect anecdotes of crimes committed by illegal aliens, only to have it quickly overrun by reports about space aliens.

3. When Georgia flipped for Biden, it seemed like John Lewis was smiling down on us, making 'good trouble' one more time.

4. Kid joke with play on words...

5. I hated group projects at school for this reason. Sent to me by a teacher friend. Thanks Sandy!

6. Man, I sure hope this isn't true for me, but we have certainly been eating comfort food around here. (Another contribution from Sandy.)

7. Nevada is taking FOREVER to count the votes. Here's why...

8. And then this...

9. Concerning MAGA fans, it's time to talk about zombies. Deploy these tactics when dealing with them and remember: they are (mostly) human; try to find common ground; employ non-violent communication techniques; play the long game; and know your limits.

10. Doesn't this seem obvious?

11. If you have watched MSNBC for the past few days you will understand this photo of Steve Kornacki. He never leaves the big board...

12. Hallelujah!


13. Goodbye either way!

14. On Wednesday morning with the Trump team creating law suits everywhere it seemed like this would happen to us. (Thanks to my mother's cousin in Norway, Hroar, and my sister Grace for sending me this one. The world was watching our fiasco.)

15. This one is for my daughter, a Math teacher...

16. The process has begun and cannot be aborted.

17. Trump, this song is for you...

Well folks. Here we are finally. Biden has won and I can go back to my regularly scheduled Sunday Salon posts which deal mainly with books and funny family stories. Thanks for joining me these past several months. Remember, leave a comment below. Love ya!



  1. OMG!!! Yes! So great! Hallelujah! These are hilarious. Thanks so much for posting these!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The load seems a bit lighter today as we all hope for better leadership. So many people voted for the first time and now understand the importance of participating in a democracy. Thanks, Anne, for keeping my spirits up with letter writing, humorous memes and pics of Carly’s cats.

  3. Thank goodness! I bet Trump is having a major hissy fit right now!

  4. Even though the transition will most likely not be a smooth one, the majority of voters have spoken...Amen! I loved that Clayton County, GA (John Lewis district) voted 82% for Biden. He must be smiling down.

  5. It is indeed sunny inside. I do love the rain we are getting here though on the outside, so I don't mind if that keeps up for awhile longer. :-) I listened to Biden's speech tonight and thought how different it was from 45 who is always so divisive. It is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for the smiles today. I watched the Van Jones video earlier today on FB--he really says it all, doesn't he? I hope you have a great week!

  6. Oh the celebrations are big! I can actually "feel" your good mood in your post. Very glad for you guys!!

    May you have a wonderful week, keep walking on that sunshine. Here's my The Sunday Post #17

  7. We were driving the second leg of our journey to Arizona when my son texted that Biden has been declared the winner. I felt jubilant for the first time in a long time. My son also sent a link to the Van Jones video. It made me cry. Such a happy emotional time.

    Now I hope for a time of reconciliation, coming together as an American people for the good of all.

    The facts you've shared along with the humor has helped talk me down from the ledge these last few months. Thank you, Anne. I can't wait for the uninstall to be complete.

  8. That's a great post -- really captures the spirit of the times. Dancing in the streets. Relaxing (a little ) at last. Seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe seeing the last of a bad lot. And seriously: a real hope for justice, especially racial justice in our time.

    be well... mae at

  9. I'm going to miss these posts of yours! They were much needed fun and reminders too. Maybe tsk tsk... talk about tsk.. Georgia runoffs tsk.. :)

    I'm so relieved to see Trump and his cohorts leave. Good riddance!

  10. I thought about you when I heard they had called the election for Biden/Harris! I have felt more serene all weekend.

  11. That was a fun read! You all deserve to celebrate!

    Wishing you a great reading week


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