Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Cat-book project

It started with a puzzle. More specifically, it started with a puzzle of cat books. As my daughter and I worked on the puzzle I mused about how much fun it would be to read all the featured books. She snorted. I am always doing stuff like this. I get an idea in my head and and I'm off to the races. First I searched the library catalog and ordered all the books I could find, which wasn't very many. Then I went online and ordered a few more. Most are children's books, so I read them fast and waited for another batch to arrive. There are 45 books highlighted on the puzzle and I was able to find and read only 11 of them.

Since I couldn't find all the books on the puzzle I added a few cat books we have around the house. Above is the actual puzzle, below is the puzzle I could make of the cat books I've read recently.

So many cat books. Enough of this project. Time to get back to my regularly scheduled book choices.



  1. What a fun puzzle...and bookish project! :D

  2. That's an amazing real book puzzle! I love cats, after being a dog person most of my life.

  3. Going down a rabbit hole of books is so much fun and it's amazing what we allow ourselves to do!


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