Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Salon, September 27

We have had rainy, cold days the past few days. The weather report for the coming week, however, is for warmer, drier days.

Family News: Our new grandson is making a home in our hearts. Above is a photo of grandpa with his grandsons.

Still sad and mad about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and about Trump announcing her replacement, an ultra-conservative. Listen to this speech made by Senator Amy Klobachar after Sen, Ted Cruz justified the GOPs decision to replace RBG now and their hypocrisy. Klobacher is full of righteous indignation.

Good News:

1. This opinion piece titled "Americans are finding out this emperor is naked, and his private parts are not impressive," helped me make it through the week. The author talks about the ways Trump is trying to steal the election and how others will not let it happen. (Dkos)

2. 489 National Security leaders for Biden. Read their statement published in an open letter here. It is fairly brief so I really recommend that you read it all (plus it will give you talking points if you have a chance to inform another voter about Biden's good qualities.) It ends with this, "Joe Biden has the character, principles, wisdom, and leadership necessary to address a world on fire. That is why Joe Biden must be the next President of the United States; why we vigorously support his election; and why we urge our fellow citizens to do the same."

3.  The FDA has finally come out with a statement that the process for approving a coronavirus vaccine will not be politicized. Trump is not happy with them, of course, but at least we know that if and when a vaccine does arrive it won't be rushed in the process.

4. As you know, Biden's polling numbers look good, giving Democrats reason to hope. This week the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School reported a Youth Poll (voters aged 18-29) and found the youth support for Biden very high, near the number that Obama got in 2008. 60% support Biden while only 27% support Trump. For contrast, Hillary only got 49% of the youth vote in 2016. And state numbers are looking good, too. Check this out from Georgia:

5. The US Postal Service is undoing all the slow-down measures they recently did and will prioritize election mail. "Ready to deliver Election mail to the nation. Sept. 24 Stand Up memo." The memo was leaked to the press.

6. As you may know Trump is actually talking about a coup if he doesn't win on election night. Here is an excellent article that everyone should read about ten things we can do to stop the coup. (Waging Nonviolence.) After reading the list, sign the pledge (below) at Choose Democracy.

7. Bernie Sanders is very precise about what needs to be done to make sure we have a peaceful transfer of authority in November. Here is a clip from the excellent speech he gave on Thursday this week. For the full speech click here.

8. On a completely unrelated topic, I found these articles so interesting about the value of forest fires. It has been such a horrible year for all the fires in the West but it is good to know that positive things may come from them. Here is the sentence that really got me: "Two years ago, a wildfire that swept the western Columbia River Gorge appeared to be a disaster. Instead, it turned out to be a miracle." (Willamette Week) And another article talks about how forest fires have saved an endangered woodpecker species. (GNN)

On the lighter side:


2. I've wondered this myself about Trump and his rhetoric...

3. I think this cartoon needs wide distribution. Trump and the GOP are doing a head-fake and people aren't paying attention to what they are doing about Social Security and health care.

5. This book it is called There's a Monster at the End of the Book. (Contributed by my daughter and sister.)
6. Ever feel like all of the GOP talking points show us how selfish they really are?


  • Completed
    •  Redhead by the Side of the Road by Anne Tyler. A book club gem We had a great discussion. I finished it just in the nick of time. (Audio)
  • Currently reading
    • Princess Bride by William Goldman. You've seen the movie, did you know there was a book? E-book, 49%.
    • A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of America by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig. Washington Post reporters write about the first three years of Trumps presidency. Even though I've heard of all of the events already it is good to have them placed in context to other events. Super well-written.  (Audio, 13%)

I want to know you were here reading this post. Please leave a comment about your thoughts, even if they don't match up with mine. Thanks so much.



  1. Cute photo of Don with the boys! I am terrified of a coup and Trump encouraging his militias to overthrow the election. And I'm heartsick about everything happening with the Supreme Court right now. Will Canada give us asylum?

    1. I'm sick about the President talking about a coup and the GOP isn't pushing back.

  2. Starting with the good news -- your family's new member -- makes some of the remainder of what you say seem not quite so sad.

    I'm devastated by the loss of RBG, not because she didn't lead a full and remarkable life (she did, and managed to stay with us a long time despite all her illnesses) but because of the horrendous triumphalism of the Republicans: replacing her before she's even respectfully buried. You are right about the rest as well.

    be safe... mae at

    1. I am just sick about what is happening about the replacement of RBG. Fortunately it doesn't seem to be activating the voters to switch back to Trump, at least in the polls.

  3. Despite RGB’s death, i felt a bit more hopeful this week. Not complacent, mind you, just more optimistic. With the help of two good friends, I’ve finished my postcards for Julie Door and for the voters of Georgia. We were discussing how many retired teachers were writing postcards! Love the picture of a beaming Don and his boys. Looking forward to sunshine. Thanks for the update. I’m reading The Orchardist and put Redhead on the Side if the Road on hold.

    1. I need to start my VOTE FORWARD letters. I have them printed, just need to sit down and do them.

  4. I think about DT, and I think about who he has befriended in the world (two dictators), and I think about how his friends handle transfers of power (they do not allow it), and I worry. But in my heart I feel like the American people will see the heart of this man and not allow him to continue to serve in the role he has for the last four years.

    Thank you for the light you share with all of us. I keep speaking up, sharing truth with others (even when they have different points of view), and I keep calling down lies when I am confronted with them. This is hard where I live, and I need to continue to see your encouragement each week to press on.

    Love that photo of your grandsons. It's for our grandchildren that we work.

    1. It's people like you that keep me going on this type of blogpost. It takes a lot fo work but it keeps me moving forward knowing that some people are finding their way to information they wouldn't have found otherwise.

  5. I'm scared about the polling numbers .... we've been down this road before, trusting the polling and then it turns out different which I hope NOT. I guess the debate is this week and I hope B takes it to him. Full on anxiety about the election & the supreme court. I'm sending in my absentee ballot this week. Let's Go! Let's Do this.

    1. I know I am scared of the polling numbers, too. But I do like comparing what happened to the numbers in 2016 compared with what is happening now.

  6. What a lovely pic :)
    Cartoon three has so much truth it hurts

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I think the GOP is very good at the head fake. Look at this, while they are doing something behind our backs.

  7. I think the part that scares me most about our country right now is that there are such large numbers of people who believe/support what Trump is doing. From the Republicans in office who don't care what the cost is to the nation as long as they get conservative judges to the "regular" folks who believe Fox News and whatever lies Trump dishes out. Trump is mentally ill , but what is the excuse for the millions of others?!

    1. I know. Why do these people follow him. He is clearly unstable.

  8. Politics is so depressing this year. Can't wait for it to be over, with a positive result.

  9. Your grandsons are so adorable.

    The whole political thing is making my head spin. There's new drama everyday. I'm not sure I trust polls anymore after 2016, but I'm just amazed at how taken in people are by all the lies. Very sad these days.

    Hope you can have a great week.

  10. The new grandbaby is adorable. Speaking of finishing a book club read in the nick of time - I've had a hold on my next book club read since August. My current digital library doesn't have it but I see that the new digital library service we will have access to on Oct. 1 has it. My book club meets Oct. 1. Hopefully it is a short book.

  11. Oh my goodness your grand babies are adorable! I wish my two where that age again!

    I do worry for you guys, I also worry how much our BoJo is in DT’s pocket. I’ve started reading the New Yorker to keep up with American politics, it seems so much more complicated that what we have here!

  12. I need to hit those links. Especially Bernie's speech. Thanks for sharing.

    Your grandbaby is so adorable!

    I read Princess Bride when I was a teenager. I wasn't a great fan of the book but I love the movie so much! Such a classic.

    Monster at the End of the Book! Perfectly sums up each day! love it.

    Have a great week.

    1. I'm liking Princess Bride the book okay. I wouldn't rate it as a favorite however.

  13. I know. Those little guys are adorable, but I am very biased.

  14. Oh, love that pic with your grandkids. It's precious. Yeah, I was also reading how forest fires can do good. It's when they rage out of control unexpectedly that it becomes dangerous. Now you got me curious about Redhead by the Side of the Road. Enjoy your week!

  15. Your grandsons are so cute! I read The Princess Bride years ago and actually slightly prefer the movie. They're so similar but I like that the movie cut out all the extra stuff about the author finding out his grandpa had been reading the "good parts" version. The book somehow felt a little cynical to me and the movie is a fun fairy tale.

    I love the Snoopy and Grover cartoons. The Monster at the End of this Book was one of my favorite books as a kid and that feels entirely appropriate for this year.

    Enjoy your week!


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