Monday, August 10, 2020

TTT: Books I loved but never reviewed

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I loved but never reviewed


1. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

I adored this audiobook, listening to all 32+ hours of it. I have no idea why I didn't review it. I still slap my head that I didn't. Is it too late?

2.  Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

I finished this book in June so I am still planning a review, but I'd better get to it soon or the story will fade in my memory.

3. New Kid by Jerry Craft

This Newbery Medal winner is such a good graphic novel. I loved it, yet never reviewed it. Read it anyway.

4. The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur

This lovely, short poetry volume is right up my alley yet I never reviewed it. I didn't review her first poetry book either. Sigh.

5. A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

I made a 'rule' that I had to review all book club selections. I broke my own rule on this club selection and never reviewed it. Wonder why?

 6. Harry Potter book in the series

I love all seven of the books but I read them all before I started blogging and I never reviewed any of them.

7. This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel

I am so angry that I never reviewed this book club selection because I met the author a year after I read it and couldn't look back on what my original thoughts were in real time.



  1. You were probably busy or forgot. I don't think it's too late to write about your impressions of each book. I hadn't remembered that you listened to "The Goldfinch!" Oh, my!

  2. It's never too late! I do that sometimes, forget to review a book or wait too long, and then I'm never sure if I remember enough t do it justice. :)

  3. It's not really too late if you wanted to do something. Maybe not a full on review but you could do a post on what thinking about the book brings back to you now.

    1. That is a good idea. I watched the terrible movie of the Goldfinch not long ago. I could do a book/movie comparison review.

  4. It's not too late, I think. It might even be a more interesting review, sharing your thoughts after some time has passed. Often I reread reviews and drop a star or add a star.

    I write a review for everything I read just so I can look back and see what I thought later.

    1. I've started writing short reviews on Goodread, not just marking what I've read, so that I can do just that---go back and read my thoughts written right after I finished a book. But I still want to publish reviews on my blog and they take quite a bit of time to write, so I don't write reviews for all my reads.

  5. No, I don't think it's too late to review The Goldfinch.

    My TTT .

  6. It's never too late! I sometimes re-read books if I really want to give them a proper review.

  7. It's indeed never too late to post reviews! The only trick is remembering the details enough to write a review later on (for me that would be the trick anyway ;) )

  8. I never reviewed any of the Harry Potter books either! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. A review of a HP book would seem so inadequate somehow. What I wish I'd done was record on paper, the reaction my children had to the books as they read them the first time.

  9. Leaving Time was actually the first Jodi Picoult book I reviewed for my blog, it came out the same year I started! I never reviewed any of the Harry Potter books though, I read them long before I was a blogger, or had Goodreads.
    My TTT:

    1. I think I will work on my review of this book today. It is fading fast. Best get on it.

  10. If I don't review a book right after reading it, I'm always afraid I'll forget something important and get things wrong.

  11. I’m the same I never reviewed HP, I read it a long time before I started blogging, I might reread it one day!

  12. I loved A Gentleman in Moscow...and actually reviewed it, too. But there are a lot more books that I didn't.

  13. I loved, loved, loved New Kid by Jerry Craft.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.

  14. I read a bunch of Jodi Picoult books, but I don't think I've read that one. I should give it a try since you loved it. Nice list!

    My TTT.

  15. I don't think I've ever reviewed the Harry Potter books! I wasn't blogging then and I don't even know if I had Goodreads then!

  16. I read A Gentleman in Moscow and haven't reviewed it, but I did read it earlier in 2020, so there is still a chance that I will review it. I loved the book but could not define exactly why.

    I did read the 7th Harry Potter book since I started blogging and I thought I had reviewed it, but I did not.

  17. Sometimes if I haven't reviewed a few books I put them together in one post and just do mini reviews, a paragraph or 2 on each. That way if I ever need to reflect back I often have enough there to jog my memory lol.

  18. It's never to late to review a book :) Harry Potter is another series I haven't reviewed too.

  19. It's never too late! I'm happy to see that someone else enjoyed The Goldfinch. I was starting to think I was alone in that. ;)

  20. I'm the same with Harry Potter. I wrote really short, 1-paragraph summaries for a few of them when I first joined Goodreads, and I exploded roughly 7,000 words of unedited reactions/feelings to the final book on my blog, but I don't think there's any hope of me ever doing a standard "proper" review of that one or the rest of them. I know and will always know what they mean to me, but I can't translate that into words that make sense to other people.

    Good luck on any books you do decide to take a reviewing stab at -- in most cases I think even a couple of sentences are better than nothing and will be fun to look back at later/help you jog your memory. You might even keep them in a private file (unless you do this already?) if you're not ready to publish.

  21. I loved the Goldfinch as well-I sort of reviewed it a few times, which is why I didn't include it on my list, but not a full formal review. Again, because I loved it so much, it's hard to fully articulate the emotional aspect of that!

  22. Since I've starting blogging, I sometimes have the feeling that if I don't review a book, I haven't really read it. Strange, I know. I do feel that there are books I read before I was blogging that I should go back and review.


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