Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tanka-poetry reviews

Thanks to Lark Writes for giving me the inspiration to write short, poetic book reviews. Hers are called 'Haiku Reviews.' I'll make mine a little longer and call them tanka-poetry reviews. Similar to haikus, tanka poems are short, using only 31-syllables in the cadence pattern of 5, 7, 5, 7, 7. I'm catching up here on past-due reviews.

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Bloom (Delacorte, 1970)

My daughter, Rita,
loved this book when she was young.
Margaret writes to
God on growing-up issues,
 though she's not sure he exists.


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Neighborly Words of Wisdom from Mr. Rogers (With Movie Tie-in) by Fred Rogers (Penguin Books, 2019)

This book starts with Tom
Junod's Esquire piece, "Can You
Say...Hero?" about
meeting Fred Rogers, forming
a lifelong, inspired friendship.

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen (Atheneum Books For Young Readers, 1986)

When my daughter learned
I finally read this book,
she commented that
it is the favorite book
of 5th graders everywhere.

Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions by Amy Stewart (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017)

Deputy Sheriff,
Constance Kopp and her sisters
in a fiery romp.
The third book in the series
which is based on real people.

Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family's Fight for Desegregation by Duncan Tonatiuah (Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2014)

Ten years before Brown 
vs. B.O.E, Sylvia
Mendez and her family
schools in California.

Hinds' Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard (Blackstone Audio, first published in 1955)

An allegory
dramatizing the journey
people take before
they can live in "high places,"
a child of the good shepherd.

Quite an assortment and variety of books that seem incongruent, but they match my reading mood of late.



  1. An eclectic group of books, but those can be the most diverting!

    1. short is good these days. I have a hard time concentrating on longer books.

  2. Wonderful efficient way to review a bunch of books quickly and elegantly.

    1. I am so far behind on my reviews and all of these books have been ly known for years so I will just add a note on them.

  3. Love this! I had been writing all of my tech tickets in haiku format; I should keep the tanka in mind for more complicated issues!

  4. LOVE these! You do them so well. I think these shorter reviews are so fun to write. But maybe that's just because I'm a little lazy when it comes to reviewing what I read. :D

    1. I get so far behind. These allow me to feel like I am at least accounting for my reads.


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