Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Coronavirus diary, May 5th

Weather: Lovely and sunny, just right for a long walk

Today we went on a magical walk and found some unexpected things. Refer to the collage above as you read about it:
  • A garden full of rock people
  • God's Eyes hanging from trees on our street. We stopped counting at 26 (because we got home.)
  • A flowering cheery, I mean cherry, tree in full bloom
  • A tree stump with an artistic display of fungus growing up its side
  • A helpful sign in the forest that points two ways with the words, "This Way"--- "That Way". 
  • A forest path under cedar trees lined by sword ferns, trillium, salal, huckleberry bushes, nurse stumps, and, of course, blackberry vines.
  • Little painted rocks strategically located on mossy stumps in the forest. (We are fairly sure that a lot of fairies have recently moved into our neighborhood.)
Stay home--Stay healthy. Insights and reflections:
  • Clean out the drawer where the brushes, combs, and dental floss are stored more than once a decade. Yuck!
  • When cooking with rice, pasta, or beans first check to see if there is already one open. I found 25+ open bags of these items in my pantry.
  • Action-adventure movies are preferable to Rom-Coms or some serious film. They allow for two hours of coronavirus-free thoughts. "Gosh, that person's life is much worse than mine."
  • Attending a drive-by birthday party, baby shower, and/or a welcome party will have to suffice these days.
  • I don't like ZOOM meetings or church. I'd never heard of Zoom before this pandemic and I'm already sick of it.
  • Lots of people don't wear their masks correctly. What the heck.  But at least they are trying. (But don't cut a hole in it like this lady.)
  • The people who irritate me are those who think only of themselves. Read this from Governor Andrew Cuomo;

Time for some humor:

1. Couldn't stop laughing. Watch the reaction of the reporters:

2. Need instructions how to sew a mask? Don't follow Kay.

3.Before posting on TV, be sure to check spelling

4. This one just cracks me up. Simple sense of humor, I guess.

5. And this one is funny to our family because we all have Fitbits and compete each week to see who gets the most steps. (Non-coronavirus humor.)

6. Sounds like good advice.

And now for those requisite cat photos. Let me set the scene. A. George is under the bathroom vanity playing with the white rubber tip from a door stopper. B. Fred is inspecting what his brother is doing under the vanity. C. Every once in a while it is necessary to retrieve the rubber tip if it escapes from George, that is his paw you see.

In the words of James Taylor "Shower the people you love with love! Show them the way you feel. Things are going to be much better if you only will." Watch him and The Voice cast sing it. 



  1. A very uplifting post, Anne! I love the humor and the cat photos. Are we doing Zoom for BC again this month? Also since I'm not going to NY anymore :( we could move the date back to the later one.

    1. I really don't want to do Zoom book club, but I'll ask the group. (Remember I have the sucky computer that makes the whole Zoom meeting staticky.

  2. This post was a delight from start to finish. I love the "this way--that way" posts, and your kitties, and the jokes. I'd seen the teacher's song before, but you were right--the responses of the newscasters made it even better. And Kay--my kind of seamstress.

    1. Laughter seems like the best way to get through this mess.

  3. What a fun post! I haven't had my church on Zoom, thankfully, haven't had to Zoom yet. We have it streaming online from my church, we're Roman Catholic if that makes a difference or not. Got a chuckle from your funnies! Stay safe!

    1. We "attend" two different services each week. One is recorded so it is more lie church the other is zoom.

  4. Awesome post! Bananas as face masks. Rock garden people. You just made my day. :D

    1. Thanks. We must have the most creative children in our neighborhood. It made us happy to see all their little gifts yesterday.

  5. Like the kitties! the video made me laugh. it sort of sums up -- how I feel too. take care this week

  6. Wait. Your cats are Fred and George? After the Weasley twins? Wonderful! Great videos, funnies, and all things humorous. Thank you!

    1. Yep. The cats are Fred and George after the Weasleys. They are my daughter's cats. They came to live with her two days before the lock down in California.

  7. I loved every single thing about this post, especially the rock people, the cat photos, and the cartoon where you can't tell which figure is speaking. Haha.


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