Monday, March 23, 2020

TTT: Good book selections in the age of social distancing

Top Ten Tuesday: 
Good books to select in the age of social distancing

Digging into a problem:
  • Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel---set in the years after civilization's collapse
  • Artemis by Andy Weir---set in the only city on the moon where water and oxygen are scarce.
  • Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus by Richard Preston
  • The Testaments by Margaret Atwood---the sequel to The Handmaid's Tale
  • The End of the World Running Club by Adrian Walker---a catastrophic asteroid strike
 Escapist literature---guaranteed to take your mind off social distancing
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen---because, um, it always works
  • Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding---because it is a modern remake of Pride and Prejudice
  • The Woman in White by  Wilkie Collins---Set in the 1800s, it is an intricate mystery.
  • One for the Money (or any of the Stephanie Plum Mysteries) by Janet Evanovich---because they are silly,funny, and mindless.
  • Seraphina by Rachel Hartman---Because there are dragons and the world-building is superb.
 What are you reading right now?


  1. I may have made a mistake by starting Stamped by Ibram X. Kendi and Jason Reynolds as it's intense. I'll make sure the next one is lighter.

    1. I am reading nonfiction right now which makes it tough dealing with REAL situations instead of just falling into a novel.

  2. I should read Station eleven. I've been kinda wanting to, and I've heard it's good. Maybe it will take my mind off the current pandemic!

    1. You will like it, I predict. It is one of those books I think about a lot, especially these days.

  3. I see a few people doing this instead of the "genre freebie" topic. Thanks!

  4. Yeah, The Testaments was amazing.

    My TTT .

  5. I love Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones' Diary! I would love to read The Woman in White and Seraphina. They are both on my tbr. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. The Woman in White is so good. It was written to be published in the newspaper so each chapter ends on a question or a tense moment.

  6. I loved The Hot Zone. So interesting. And, of course, Pride and Prejudice and The Woman in White are two of my all-time favs. And Bridget Jones always makes me laugh.

    1. The Hot Zone is bit aged but could be resurrected at this time.

  7. The Diary of Bridget Jones would probably take my mind off things.

  8. They don't get any lighter or any more perfect for right now than One for the Money. The movie isn't bad either.

    Great list!

  9. I don't think that "Station 11" would be the best choice for now, much as I loved that book. :) I'm reading "The One" which seems silly, so I may switch over to "Song of Achilles." I know I'll love that!

  10. The Woman In White is one I need to get to. I’ve heard amazing things about it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. I really liked One For The Money a lot more than I expected to, especially on audio.

    Lauren @ Always Me


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