Monday, March 9, 2020

TTT: Authors Who Have a Fun Web Presence

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors with a cool web presence 
 Among the usual stuff about the books she has written, there is a playlist of songs that she listens to when she writes and why she likes them.

Has different portals for children, teachers, and grownups. Creative just like his books. Lots of ideas fro teachers and for children explorers!

John has a very active web presence. In addition to his blog, he has a video blog with his brother, Hank, called vlogbrothers, and does podcasts on educational and interesting topics. 

I wouldn't say that this is the most creative author site but I included her because she is so creative, artistic and musical. 

Remember her from your board book days? She is so fun. Many of her books have been made into musical numbers. Here is my favorite: Personal Penguin. One can spend hours on her site. 

In addition to info about his books and his speaking engagements, he participates in a podcast called BOOKISH.

You probably haven't heard of Rhodes, at least as an author. That is because he is a classical pianist, but he has written a kick-ass YA book called PLAYLIST where he introduces readers to the original rock stars of music: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. He also created a playlist on Spotify for the book.

So many spin-off sites for fans. The creativity never ends.

I love his writing so it shouldn't surprise me that I would love his website, too. Bonus: It has a page dedicated to his quotes.

Wonderful presentation of her remarkable books.



  1. Rainbow Rowell seems like she'd be an awesome author to follow!

  2. Ooh, I love hearing what people are listening to and why. Rainbow Rowell is already a favorite author, but this gives me a reason to pay more attention to her online presence.

  3. I didn't know Roald Dahl had a web presence. Cool!

    My TTT .

  4. I don't know much about the social media lives of authors. Thank you for this introduction.

  5. I've heard such wonderful things about A.S. King. Nice to see her listed here.

  6. OM! I used to LOVE Sandra Boyton when my daughter was young. I need to check out her social media!

  7. I follow Maggie Stiefvater and Rainbow Rowell too. I agree, they're great.

  8. I don't really follow authors on social media, but I'm impressed by how many really try to engage and entertain their fans with fun posts. That's awesome!

    Happy TTT!


  9. Yes, I love John Green! I've never actually read any of his books, but I love his Youtube channel a lot. - Hannah @ Back Shelf Books

  10. I didn't know Rainbow Rowell had playlists, too! That's so neat. I'm always curious about what mood an author was in when they wrote a book, and I'm loving the new trend of sharing playlists. Never heard of Bookish, either, but I'm definitely gonna have to check out that podcast, too. Great list!

  11. Maggie Stiefvater is on my list as well. Great picks!
    Lisa Loves Literature's TTT

  12. How did I forget to mention Rainbow Rowell on my list? Great choices!

  13. This is a good list. They probably have hired good web designers & caretakers!

  14. I don't really check out authors' online social media and websites, but these sound fantastic.


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