Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You're a Book Lover

1. When packing for a trip and everyone else is deciding what clothes to take, you are deciding what and how many books you can manage to cram into the suitcase, or download onto your e-reader.

2. Before taking a car trip you make sure to have three or four audiobooks queued up on your smartphone (Audible and/or Overdrive accounts) so that everyone in the car can agree on a book to listen to while on the trip together.

3. When arriving in a new city you immediately scope out where the used bookstores are located and visit any Indy bookstores in the area. 

4. You always buy something when you visit a bookstore because you want that bookstore, and all bookstores, to survive. (I am wondering if bookstores are still open right now since they are obviously a necessary business, vital to one's health and well-being.) You often give books as gifts and always give books as baby-shower gifts.

5. You know how to place books on hold at your public library and visit it regularly to pick up those books and to peruse the shelves for new arrivals and for 'Lucky Day' books, which, as the name implies, you are lucky you found on the shelf because they are a 'hot' book right now.

6. You can coach your friends how to check out e-books and audiobooks with their library cards even if they don't want to travel to the library and they often call you when they forget how to do it--instead of calling the librarian on-duty, who is getting paid to give that advice.

7. You have a Goodreads account where you keep track of all the books you have read, want to read, and are reading. You spend a lot of time on this account. When you read another book blogger's good review you automatically add it as a TBR on Goodreads.

8. At parties and other gatherings you often find yourself talking about books with whomever will spend a few minutes discussing them with you. And you often claim knowledge that you gained by reading some book or another, but you can't always remember the title or the author.

9. You are in one or more book clubs. You will schedule your other activities around these meetings because you don't want to miss the group discussions because you have your opinions you want to share and enjoy being around other people who like to discuss books, too.

10. You read book reviews, end-of-the-year best books lists, award book lists, and book magazines, though nothing is quite so good as a word-of-mouth recommendation. And you are often asked by others what you think they should read next.

Extra: You also enjoy reading, like I  am right now, books about books. I am currently reading The Books of Books: Explore America's 100 Best Loved Novels as featured on the PBS series.

What did I miss? What are the signs that you're a book lover?



  1. I always pre-plan books out for trips!! That's the most important thing to pack!

    1. Me, too. Why take a long trip if extra reading can't be crammed into it?

  2. You could be my bookish twin! :D

  3. I mostly do all these things, although I've never tried an audio book. Since I'm not auditory, it would be difficult for me to focus my attention on it.

  4. Ha, I love these! I can't leave my house without double-checking that I've got more than enough reading material to last me, like, three days. Even if I'm going out for half an hour lol. I have a convenient workaround for number five. I WORK at the library so I grab hot books before they even hit the shelf. xD It's an amazing system LOL.

    Here's my TTT post.

  5. I wish I was in an in person book club again. The one I was in dissolved when only a few of like three of us were still participating.

    1. Time to start a new one with friends from work? Or neighbors?

  6. I always take books on vacation, and I also like to visit independent bookstores when I travel. Thanks for visiting Long and Short Reviews!

  7. I do #3 all the time! I love finding new bookstores, and little out of the way used bookstores are awesome as well. :)

  8. Oh yes, these are all true of me, too. Are these qualities somehow in our gene pool? Is there a book gene?

  9. I said something pretty similar to your #3 on my list. It seems to be something every single one of us do!

    My TTT .

  10. Wonderful list! Our local indie bookshop is open, sort of. We can order online then get curbside pick up. Smart move on their part.


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