Monday, January 6, 2020

TTT: My bookish goals for 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: My bookish goals for 2020. 

I hate to call them resolutions, but here are the goals I hope to accomplish this coming year of reading. (I am off-the-board since I don't often pay attention to upcoming books.)

1. Read a minimum of 100 books in 2020. (Keep track on Goodreads)

2. Read two of the latest National Book Award winners from 2019. This will get me current with a personal goal to read at least two of the five winners each year. Read two of five from the 2020 winners.

3. Read the Pulitzer Prize winner of 2020. (Announced in late March.)

4. Read the Printz Award and honor books, announced in late January 2020.

5. Successfully complete my role as a Round Two judge for the Cybils Awards for JH/SH Nonfiction books by February 14th.

6. Read sequels in the following series: Arc of Scythe; Winternight; Flavia de Luce; The Book of Dust; Strange the Dreamer; Anne of Green Gables.

7. Successfully complete reading at least three books for the Classics Club Spins.

8. Write a blog review for all book club selections. (This is at least 22 books every year.)

9. Read at least ten books from my own shelves.

10. Diminish my TBR pile (which is actually a virtual pile on Goodreads) by at least fifty books. (This does not mean I have to read all these books, but I can just remove them from it if I no longer want to read them.)



  1. Good luck! These all sound like worthy goals. :) I need to read more from my shelves too.

    Happy Tuesday!!

  2. Love your goals! Best of luck. I cleaned up my Goodreads TBR pile and removed a lot of books I was no longer interested in or duplicates.

  3. These are great goals! I still have to formulate mine 😂 But I've set my reading goal for 100 books this year as well. Good luck for all of these!

    My <a href="“>TTT</a> post

  4. Good luck with all your goals! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. Those are really good reading goals are totally achievable. I like that they are varied in type and number of books that they involve. Can't wait to see the YA nominees this year from ALA!

  6. Good luck with your goals, Anne. I hope you read many great books this year!

  7. Good luck with all your goals! Reading from one's shelf is always a good idea.

  8. I haven't finished the Strange the Dreamer series yet either. I don't even own the book, and I really want to get it. I hope you achieve these goals.

  9. Very worthy goals, but many of them! I wonder how many books I read a year. I go through lulls where I only get through a couple a month, then other times, it's way more. I doubt that I am anywhere near 100 though.

    1. That is why I like using Goodreads. It keeps track for me.

  10. Good luck! I'll be rooting for you to complete them all.

  11. Love to see book goals! I share #9 & 10 with you, but I'm especially impressed by your interest in award-winners. It seems like you have a really good connection with offline book communities as well.

    (sorry if this posts twice; I can't remember if I closed the tab before posting or your comments are screened)

    1. Yes, I'm in two book clubs. Both my mom and older sister are in different book clubs,so I get ideas, from them and recently my daughter joined a book club. Think I hang out with readers?

  12. Hope you accomplish ALL of these reader-ly goals, Anne. I barely make it to forty books a year so I admire those who can read so many books in a year! :) Appreciate your visit to Finding Wonderland last week.


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