Saturday, November 2, 2019


Final Update on my Blog-n-readathon:

I attempted to read and blog for 24 hours over a 5 day period. I actually logged over 20 hours.

Books read:
A. Mother Daughter Me: completed, e-book
B. Akata Witch: completed, audiobook
C. The 13 Clocks: start to finish complete, print
D. Ask Again, Yes: completed, audiobook
E. Inland: started, audiobook, 20%
F. Brave Face: started, print, less than 10%
G. Called: read two chapters, print and e-book

Blog posts written:
-The 13 Clocks
-Ask Again, Yes
-Akata Witch (incomplete and not posted yet)

I averaged 9628 steps each of the days (I walked over 10,000 steps four of the five days.)

I didn't get a blackout on the BINGO game but did pretty well. (Letters correspond to book letters above.)

Overall, I did what I set out to do...get my reading and blogging groove back!


  1. This is a great way to do a blog and readathon; so often I find that I have high hopes for the set 24 hours and then life gets in the way. I also hadn't seen the Bingo card before.


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