Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Salon---Fall Edition

Bingley standing on a bed of leaves from the Mountain Ash tree
Fall is here. And it is wonderful.
Weather: rainy and windy.

Fall is my favorite season: It is so wonderful around here in early Fall. The weather starts to turn but it is still warm enough to go outside with a light jacket and feel very comfortable. Favorite foods, pumpkin spice (everything), and fun activities like pumpkins patches and Halloween prep help turn our thoughts away from summer projects. Football games dominate weekends. It is fun to cheer for a favorite team with other fans. Fall is also the time when I start turning inward. It is a season when I can sit and read all day long and not feel guilty. Cooking and baking delicious foods like baked acorn squash, pumpkin muffins, and apple cake are tasks I enjoy.

A magical moment caught on film when Ian saw his pumpkin lit up for the first time. The magic of it took Ian's breath away and he stood transfixed for a full moment.
Today: I made a batch of chili and homemade cinnamon rolls. Both Don and I associate those two foods together because they were paired in our school cafeterias when we were school-aged. After dinner, Don caught me up in a hug saying, "Ah, comfort foods!" I used recipes I found online. If you want to give them a try here are the recipes: Homemade Cinnamon Rolls and Heartwarming Chili.

Pumpkin Patch fun
Leaves: Our Purple Mountain Ash tree is the first tree to dump its leaves in the yard. And dump it has. I love the leaves and wish I could save them in the variety of colors forever. This weekend we swept and blew the leaves off the deck four times. I guess it was a little like shoveling the snow when it is still snowing.
Our Mountain Ash a week before it dumped all its leaves
Books and reading: I actually haven't been reading much lately. I hardly read anything on the trip to Europe and then didn't pick back up the pace once I got home. I think I need to participate in the read-a-thon or something to spur me on. I missed book club this past week due to a sore throat and a stuffed up head, but it didn't matter since I hadn't finished the book. This coming week my other book club should be better since I finished the book for it before going abroad.

Rest in Peace Rep. Elijah Cummings: This week a Representative to Congress from Maryland died. He was an amazing man who always sought justice for oppressed people. He was a model of a fine person and will be greatly missed. 

"I want justice, oceans of it. I want fairness, rivers of it. That's all I want. That's all I want.         ~~~Elijah Cummings 

P.S.---Several readers have let me know that they want to leave comments but can't because of the Google restrictions. For this reason I am switching to allow comments from non-Google users but I will need to moderate all comments from now on to avoid SPAM. Also, if you do not have an account, your name will show up as anonymous in the from line. For this reason, I ask that you sign your name (at least your first name) in the comment box. Give it a try and see if you can write a comment now. Thank you.


  1. I love Ian's face, and also enjoy fall, although it's been a bit too wintry for me at times. I like those warm fall days that we often get in September and October! I'm glad that you'll be at BC this week. I missed you!

  2. Such beautiful fall photos! We moved to Florida permanently earlier this month, so only got a hint of fall this year. I'm very happy to leave winter behind, but will certainly miss fall. I'm sure you're reading will pick up again as the season progresses.

  3. Love your pics of adorable Ian, especially with his jack-o-lantern! Magical moments. Your fall colors are gorgeous. I also love fall - just wrote a blog post on my chronic illness blog this weekend about all the things I love about fall! I haven;t made chili yet (we still had temps in the 90's at the beginning of the month!), but we always have it with cornbread. I did make Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes Sunday morning - yum! Definitely that time of year!

    I am having trouble with comments on Blogger, too - 2 people yesterday told me they left comments on my chronic illness blog, but nothing showed up. I sent a message to Google, but it is impossible to actually get a live person to respond there! So frustrating. Let me know if you know any more about the issue - I have my settings set so anyone can leave comments.

    Happy fall!


  4. You are so lucky to have a real fall where you live. It is now in the 80s, no leaves are turning, and I am ready for a crisp evening that isn't coming. I, too, haven't read much lately and now my daughter is home for a week so I won't read while she's here. I will make her go to the pumpkin patch, though!

  5. I am not pleased that I have not read for pleasure in 355 days. So much catching up to do. See you in December. Tan

  6. Hi Anne I was excited reading about your trip. Robert, Matt, a friend and I are going to Europe - December-January. I’ve been to Italy a couple of times but this is first time to England and France. Just can’t wait - once exams are marked and reports are written, I will hit that plane and sleep for hours! Claire x

  7. Your fall pics are wonderful. Pretty colors. Do you have a new dog? I might have missed a post earlier on Bingley. So cute. Hope you're feeling better soon.


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