Monday, September 2, 2019

TTT: Genres and topics I avoid because they are outside my comfort zone

TTT: Genres and topics I tend to avoid because they are outside my comfort zone

 1. Formula books... you know the kind where you could write the story because you know the formula for the plot?  I cannot make myself read these type of books and I feel disgusted if I ever get tricked into reading one.
2. Biographies/Memoirs of people where I disagree with their politics or values. I also don't read memoirs about people who are famous for a short time or because they are rich, etc. What could I possibly learn from them that I would care about?
3. Gratuitous sex or foul language---I don't avoid books that contain sex or language but it makes me cringe when it is over-the-top or gratuitous.
4. Horror genre---I don't DO scary.  I mean it.  I get scared by scary books (and movies) and I actually have nightmares.  Not worth it.
5. ...and zombies; sea monsters... I'm sorry but I just don't like the books which add zombies or monsters to classics such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
6. Manga---I like graphic novels a lot but manga confuses me. Even with the little chart which tells me what direction to go when reading, I always end up doing it backwards and then I can't enjoy the novel at all. I give up. If the book is written left to right I will read it, if not, I can't.
7. Sappy Romances---make me cringe.

What about you? What genres/types of books do you try to avoid?



  1. I am with you on 2. They only make me mad so why read them.

    My TTT

  2. I pretty much avoid horror. I mean, I like a good suspenseful or even moderately scary read at times, but not excessively so haha or straight up horror- that usually doesn't work for me!

  3. I disagree with on all of these except number 1 & 2 especially number 2 most books about celebrity are annoying to read about.
    My TTT

  4. I agree on horror. I can't stand it. I get scared easily!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  5. I don't read biographies of people who meet those criteria either.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  6. Oh IA, definitely can't be bothered with people whose politics I disagree with or horror.

  7. I don't read manga or romance novels either.

    My TTT.

  8. I don't read a lot of horror. I generally like all kinds of books if they have a good plot and characters though.

  9. I totally agree with you about sappy romances!

  10. I completely agree about books with zombies and also sappy romances - just no interest. But when I think of books outside my "comfort zone," what first comes to mind is books that feature child abuse, sex with a child, child predators, etc. I know these things happen but it is just too horrifying for me to think about.

    I haven't read a lot of Manga, but I agree it's confusing!


    Book By Book

  11. I'm not great with dense nonfiction. Narrative nonfiction is good, but I get bored if it's too dense.

  12. I completely agree with 2 and 3! I was reading reviews for the current audiobook I have out which I thought was a fantasy book but apparently it's a YA, BYE! XD

    My TTT post!

  13. I am def with you on #2. I will never read books by certain politicians because they are so starkly opposed to things I value or that are important causes to me.

  14. No manga or heavy horror, although I've read King and Koontz in the past. I don't like cheesy romances, but have been known to read a well-written Regency.


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