Monday, July 1, 2019

TTT: Childhood Favorites

Top Ten Tuesday: Some favorite books from my childhood

Note: I had few books and rarely was taken to the library as a child, so some of the books I've listed were read in adolescence when I started using the school library.

1. Little Bear [I can read books] by Else Holmelund Minarik, illustrated by Maurice Sendak
This was my first book. In fact I may have been given it at birth since it was published in 1957, the year I was born. *Yes, I know. I'm old!

2. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss
I remember this book in the little book shelf in my bedroom, a lonely book by itself. But I read it all the time.
3. Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne
My younger sister was given this book written by the author of the Winnie-the-Pooh books when she was six. I was five years older than her, so reading it aloud was one of my jobs. I remember loving it so much and wishing I had the book when I was six.

4. Amelia Bedilia by Peggy Parish
I loved this series of silly books playing on turn-of-phrases in English. I loved them when my children were little, too.

5. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
I was always a little frustrated by the messes that the cat made in the home of the children whose mother wasn't home. But the book still provokes warm memories.

6. The Borrowers by Mary Norton
I don't remember if I read this book or if my mother read it to me, but I was quite captivated by the tiny people living in such close proximity to regular-sized people. When I children were little their grandmother gave them the whole series. I don't think I got rid of them, but I cannot find them, which makes me feel sad.

7. The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
My best friend's mother gave me this book as a gift. It is such a sweet story by the author who is much more famous for her Ramona books, which I don't remember reading as a kid.

8. Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
I read somewhere that this is best-loved children's book ever written. I loved it, too.

9. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
I read this book as a 6th grader and LOVED it. I think I made it into every book report or school project for a year or two after reading it.

10. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
I was blown away by this series when I first read it as a preteen. I've since read it three or four times in entirety.

11. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
I'm pretty sure this book was read to us in school. I loved it then and still do.


  1. Charlotte's Web and Narnia were two of my favorites as well.

  2. The Borrowers! My daughter had a dream just the other night that she was a borrower in her grandparents' old house. And didn't we all love Meg Murray? What a great list!

  3. Awwww the Little Bear book! I loved that!

    Where the Red Fern Grows completely traumatized me as a child LOL

    1. I reread Where the Red Fern Grows as an adult and wept as hard as I did as a kid.

  4. Ohhh, I forgot about Little Bear! But it's one of those books where I know if I looked at it, I'd remember every drawing and sentence in vivid clarity.

    1. I attempted to comment on your blog but kept getting kicked out for some error or another. Sorry. I tried.

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  5. Honestly, I still read Dr. Seuss books on occasion. Ha! They're a nice trip down memory lane.

    My TTT.

  6. I love your list! Dr. Seuss is wonderful. I've enjoyed sharing his work with my kids. I also just recently introduced my kids to Amelia Bedelia. They think she is hilarious. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. Amelia Bedelia brings back fond memories! Charlotte's Web was one of my favorites, although I've never liked Dr. Seuss much.

  8. Such a great list! I loved the Amelia Bedelia books. And Where the Red Fern Grows made me cry. (It still does.) I loved The Borrowers and A Wrinkle in Time, too. Such fun reads. :)

  9. Sorry to hear you didn't have many books growing up.

    Many familiar and great books on your list. Don't know how I forgot the Chronicles of Narnia books on my list because they were amazing to read. Unlike you, I haven't revisited them, so perhaps it is time.

  10. Oh Winnie the Pooh- how on earth did I forget THOSE? So amazing. Love Little Bear too, although I'll admit I've never read the books, but the show was so heartwarming.

    Where The Red fern Grows- I cried. No way around it. They read it to us at school also. Narnia was awesome, and Charlotte's web hit me pretty hard too as I recall.

  11. Much as I liked the animated film, I don't think I've ever read "Charlotte's Web." I don't know I read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." One of my favorites to this day; I remember how impressed I was with the story, and its translation to screen. :) Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne.

  12. I love every one of these books. I don't remember seeing Little Bear until I was grown though, but I'm a year older than you are.

    I'd never have guessed you didn't have many books as a child.

    1. Oddly my mother loves to read and is an excellent voice when reading out loud. I am not sure why we rarely went to the library. I have two younger siblings. So maybe she was just tapped out of energy.

  13. Love Charlotte's Web! I'm reading it to my current class. :-)

  14. Yeah I agree Charlotte's Web and Where the Red Fern Grows were two of my favorites. I reread the latter one just last year. I should reread Charlotte's Web.

  15. Great list!! And one of my favorite topics :) Ah, so many beloved books from childhood - you've hit on many of my favorites, too, like The Cat in the Hat, The Borrowers (I was obsessed and read the whole series!), The Mouse and the Motorcycle and its sequel (which we also read to our boys, and they loved it too). My 2nd grade teacher read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe aloud to us, and I was hooked! I raced to the school library and read every book in the series. My husband and I read the whole series aloud to our sons, too. Charlotte's Web - of course - I still cry every time.

    I didn't know that Amelia Bedilia and Little Bear were around when I was a kid - we discovered those with our sons and especially loved the Little Bear books.

    I learned to read with Go, Dog, Go! so that was a fave and also Are You My Mother? Ditto for my kids.

    And my response to A Wrinkle in Time was much like yours! I LOVED that book and read the entire series. Even better, I played Meg in our school play of it! I was so excited :)

    OK, my husband is complaining - are you sure that was just 1 more comment you were writing?? Time for dinner! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!



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