Monday, March 25, 2019

Sunday, er.. Monday Salon...BECOMING!

Announcement of the birthday party for Shirley

Weather: Overcast and cool. Good day to do housework, which I am doing.

Mom celebrating her 90th birthday with friends she's known for 80+ years.
90: This weekend was a big one. My mother and sister, Kathy, drove up from Eugene. My younger sister, Grace, flew over from Boise. Several relatives drove down from Seattle. My daughter and her family drove up from their home. Other friends arrived from points west and north. Why? To celebrate with my mom as she turned 90! It was a wonderful celebration...good food, lots of laughter and love. This is Mom's first birthday since the death of my father, yet she was very calm and happy, clearly thrilled with the whole day! (Part 1)

A rock memorial to remember God's faithfulness to us and our church

50: Sunday our church celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special church service followed by a luncheon and program in the fellowship hall. It was such a nice celebration and wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends who came back to be a part of the celebration. (Part 2)

Photo credit: Joshua Bessex, TNT
Becoming: Last night we went to the Tacoma Dome for Michelle Obama's Becoming tour stop at the Tacoma Dome. It was a terrific event. Jimmy Kimmel interviewed her. She highlighted many stories written about in the book, but several stories were new to me. She is such a delightful person, obviously funny and genuine. The event had been rescheduled from its original date due to snowy weather. I'm sure everyone in my group was thrilled to be in attendance.

Right to left: Margaret, Me, Mom, Kathy, Rita (Missing from shot, Don) waiting for Michelle Obama
'Read Your Own Books' Challenge: I finished my first book, La's Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith earlier this past week and have nearly finished my second book, The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom. Even though I am not done yet, I plan to start my third book today, Redeployment by Phil Klay, because I am doing a read-along with a friend with this book. Now that the "big weekend" is over, I hope to get to the book reviews for these books.

Ian and Great-Grandma share a special moment before the party

The wisdom of Ian: If you want to get better at some skill--- practice, practice, practice. (Ian is practicing walking up and down stairs. Up and down. Up and down. Over and over.)

Have a good week!


  1. I was delighted to attend Becoming with your family, and loved meeting your sister and mom. They are delightful people! I thought Ian was training for a marathon? That's what I saw him doing at the restaurant anyway. ;)

  2. I bet the Michelle Obama event was wonderful; I so enjoyed her book. And how great that everyone got together for your mom's 90th!

  3. No wonder your Sunday Salon was a little late! What a fabulous weekend! So much joy for you last week---your mom's birthday, your church's celebration, and the Michelle Obama event. And somehow you managed to finish (or almost finish) two of your own books. Well done!

  4. No wonder your Sunday Salon was a little late! What a fabulous weekend! So much joy for you last week---your mom's birthday, your church's celebration, and the Michelle Obama event. And somehow you managed to finish (or almost finish) two of your own books. Well done!

  5. That's great you went to hear Michelle Obama! So interesting her book & chats. I almost went to the one she had in Edmonton but I had a conflict. I liked her book.


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