Saturday, March 2, 2019

'My Own Books' Reading Challenge

Today I am announcing a new reading challenge and I welcome your participation.

Goal: To read one to ten books that you own by May 15th.The books can be on an e-reader, audio CDs or already downloaded audiobooks, or good old print editions.

How to get started:
  1. Select up to ten books that you own.
  2. Write their titles on slips of paper. Draw out one paper at a time to create your reading order. (This will help eliminate you choosing the newest editions, the shortest, the ones you want to read the most, etc. first. It will randomize the selection.)
  3. Publish that list in an intro blogpost or on Facebook, linking back to this post.
  4. Sign up on the linky below.
Once the challenge has started:
  1. Every time you finish a book, add that title to the linky with the specific URL.
  2. Visit others' links and hopefully they will visit yours.
Then what?
  • Once you have finished a book, decide what you want to do with it.
    • Keep it and return it to your shelf.
    • Donate it to a charity like the public library for their annual book sale.
    • Give it away to a friend or relative you think may like it.
    • Sell it, if you can find a buyer.
    • Toss it in the trash, it was that bad! Ha!
Will there be prizes?
      Of course there will. Everyone is a a winner. Your prize will be the good feeling that comes from completing books that have been languishing on your shelves for months or years. Isn't that the best prize of all?

Sign up and get ready to READ!


  1. Oh, I like the sound of this! I'll have to pick my ten books - thanks for sharing this with me, Anne! :)

  2. This is a great idea for a challenge. I will give it a try!

  3. I'll think about it, maybe if I can fit it in with what my other goals are. I just have so many to read for reviews! Thanks for inviting me!

  4. Sounds good! I'll check out some possibilities. Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm loving Becoming...reading it in between the fiction books.

  5. This sounds great! I’ll have a look at what books I will put on my list!

  6. I will be joining you. I'll have the list up tomorrow on the blog and will link my post back here once published.

  7. Just a question about this: Every time you finish a book, add that title to the linky with the specific URL. So we review it? And then put the link to our review? Or a link to the title on Amazon or Goodreads? Just trying to clarify. I really don't do reviews on my blog, but I still will do the challenge, just not that part of it, if reviews.

    1. Just get attention for you review where ever you put it. Or do a final wrap up in May and link then. The point is to get some of those books off your shelf! Good luck!

  8. I'm not going to be able to join this time -- but it's a great idea so perhaps in the future I can do it. I look forward to hearing how it goes!

  9. That's me on #6. The Linky confused me and I don't like my title next to my number. I wanted to change the title to Jinjer's List but I can't. LOL I'm looking forward to my first book, Crossing To Safety. It will be a long week waiting for Friday! Thanks for sharing this challenge!

  10. I hope this challenge helps you pick up more of your own books. I tend to read a lot from my library, but this year I am trying to limit what I check out because I have too many unread on my shelf. Happy reading!


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