Monday, July 30, 2018

TTT: Books that have lived up to the hype

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Lived Up to the Initial Hype About Them

I don't often pay attention to unpublished books so I decided to consult a few lists about highly anticipated books to see if I read any of them. Here are those lists: Book Riot 2018; Entertainment Weekly 2018; Time 2017; EW 2017; Vulture 2017. BuzzFeed 2017. Ha-ha. It took me five lists of highly anticipated books for the past two years to find ten books I actually read.

Children of Blood and Bone (2018)
Even the cover got some love. This folktale/fantasy/adventure novel is everything it was hyped to be.
The Astonishing Color of After (2018)
I was pretty excited about this book when I read initial reviews. It is very good, if not a little long.
The Hazel Wood (2018)
I know there are two camps on this one. I am in the LIKE camp. I thought it was very well done. Dark and creepy, too.
Lincoln in the Bardo (2017)
This book got lots of love before it was published and I am so glad I read it...or rather, listened to the audiobook. It was AMAZING.
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me (2017)
My husband and I listened together to this essay, poetry collection by Sherman Alexie. We laughed and cried. If you haven't tried Alexie, you really should.
Strange the Dreamer (2017)
This fantasy novel, the first in a series, one a Printz Honor. The world building and unique characters set this book above others.
The Hate You Give (2017)
Everyone is STILL talking about this book and everyone should read it.
Sing, Unburied, Sing (2017)
This is a tough read but so thought-provoking.
Killers of the Flower Moon (2017)
Narrative nonfiction about murders in the Osage Tribe in the 1920s. The FBI helped solve the murders.
Pachinko (2017)
Set in Korea and Japan. I learned a lot about the cultures from this epic tale.
The Leavers (2017)
A timely topic: illegal immigration. This one is well-done and thought provoking.

I can honestly recommend all of these books. They definitely lived up to their hype.


  1. I've read a few of the books on your list and I would agree that they've lived up to the hype!

  2. I'm glad that you enjoyed The Astonishing Colour Of After. I'm reading it soon and I'm intrigued. It does seem a little long, I was shocked, but I'll still give it a go. My TTT

    1. I like books which take a theme, this one colors, and really go with it.

  3. The Hazel Wood definitely has me interested! I liked the premise when I first read it, and the fact that it's a little dark and creepy doesn't hurt!

    1. Some have described it as a creepy version of Alice in Wonderland.

  4. I haven't read any of these, but I'm intrigued by The Hazel Wood! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I was almost put off The Hazel Wood because so many reviewers on Goodreads didn't like it.

  5. Children of Blood and Bone made my list too. I have a few of these on my TBR!

    Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I didn't review The Children of Bone and Blood after I read it and now I am kicking myself.

  6. Love Strange the Dreamer and You Don't Have To Say You Love Me. I'm looking forward to Children of Blood and Bone, The Astonishing Color of After, and The Hazel Wood. Now you have me curious about Killers of the Flower Moon and The Leavers. Nice list!

  7. I've only read the ones we did in Book Club and had mixed feelings about a couple of them. I can usually find something to like in a book though.

  8. I've been seeing Children of Blood and Bone a lot lately. I definitely need to check it out.

  9. I totally forgot about Strange the Dreamer, but yes, I think that one lived up to the hype. So glad to see The Astonishing Color of After on your list. I must get to that one soon.

  10. I don’t read many hyped books, either. I had to sort my Goodreads shelves by the number of ratings to see which books everybody loves. A bunch of the books on your list are on my TBR list, so I hope I like them as much as you did.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. I loved Strange the Dreamer. I hope to read The Children of Blood and Bone at some point.

    1. I love Strange the Dreamer so much. I hope I can hang onto the story for the sequel. It does end on such a cliffhanger.

  12. Children of Blood and Bone was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  13. I can't wait to see The Hate U Give movie adaptation at the theater.

  14. I also enjoyed The Hazel Wood! Found the ending to be a bit disappointing, but it was still such an intriguing tale overall! I can't wait for Melissa Albert to publish Tales from the Hinterland (ahh, why does Goodreads say the pub date is 2020? so sad...)
    And ahhh, I still need to read The Hate U Give! Hopefully I'll read it before the movie adaptation releases...

  15. I have yet to read Strange the Dreamer but I'm planning on squeezing it in soon! Especially with Muse of Nightmares coming out soon. Perfect time for a back to back read. :)

  16. Great list! I really want to read The Astonishing Colour of After especially! I thought Sing,Unburied, Sing was an incredible book and, as you say, very thought provoking. Unfortunately I was in the dislike camp for Lincoln in the Bardo but I did appreciate it’s originality! 😊

  17. I've heard really good things about 'Dreamer' and Laini as an author in general. But she's on my list of authors I haven't given a chance.... or maybe I did read part of a novella by her once. *tries to remember*

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne.


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