Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Summer Reading Challenges

This summer I hope to read for three summer challenges. Since summer has really just begun for me, I won't even mention that it is July and a little late to be joining up.

1. Big Book Summer Challenge
As in past summers I am joining the Big Book Summer Challenge which gives me an excuse to read at least one big book, over 400 pages, during our warmest months. All I have to do is read at least one long book, write an entry post (this one) and an exit post in September with my updates. I am going to attempt to read three or four big books, which won't be that hard since I've already read one. Ha! Join in the fun. Click the link above for more details and to sign up.

My list of possible selections: 
  1. Going Bovine @480 pages...OK, I know. I have already read this one, but I reread it this summer, so I am counting it,
  2. All the Light We Cannot See @ 531 pages...this will also be a reread, if I get to it. We are doing it for book club in August.
  3. Suite Francaise @431 pages...not a cheery, lighthearted subject for summer reading, though. The author was killed in the holocaust. 
  4. Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman @544....a prequel to Seraphina, a book I loved.
2. Paris in July Challenge
Sign up at Thyme for Tea. So many of my blogging friends read for this challenge and I am so jealous of the titles I see on their lists. The rules include other activities than just reading:

There will be no rules or targets in terms of how much you need to do or complete in order to be a part of this experience – just blog about anything French and you can join in! Some ideas might include;
  • reading a French themed book – fiction or non-fiction, 
  • watching a French movie, 
  • listening to French music, 
  • cooking French food, 
  • experiencing French, art, architecture and travel

Here are few books I may try to knock off in the next two weeks
  • All the Light We Cannot See...half of the story is set in Paris, , so it counts. I know you see this book on the Big Book Challenge, but double-dipping is good in my book.
  • The Piano Shop on the Left Bank....I just saw this book at the library on the SALE shelf. I will race back tomorrow and see if it is still there.
  • The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris...I love books by this author, David McCullough. If he reads the audiobook, better yet. I'll see if it is available on audiobooks from the library.
  • 13 Paintings Children Should Know by Wentzel....It is a children's book but is right up my alley. I found it on the list of books about Paris so I am assuming it will talk about pieces of art which are in Paris now.
  • Suite Francaise....this has long been on my TBR list. Why not finally read it now?
  • "50 Years of Beatles: The Beatles Take Paris" essay by Kenneth Womach
  • Paris for One: collection of short stories by JoJo Moyes...just found out about this one.
In addition I'd like to watch a movie in French with subtitles, try my hand at making a french dish I've not tried before, and listen to more French music.

3. Austen in August
Not sure if anyone will be hosting this Jane Austen Challenge this summer or not. If so, I am in. The goal is to read anything by Jane Austen or about Jane Austen. Since I have finished all six of her novels I usually read something about her, or a Jane Austen retelling. Here are some options I might consider:
  • Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid...part of the Austen Project. It is a retelling of Austen's work by the same name.
  • Prejudice and Pride by Lynn Messina...a twist on the original with the men the ones without money and the women to the rescue. Sounds fun.
  • Unequal Affection by Lara Ormiston....Lizzy accepts Darcy's first proposal, not out of love, but out of obligation. He then grows to become the man we love by the end of the original but because of unequal affection.
4. August Comment Challenge
This is an easy fun way to make new blogging friends. Simply sign up. Wait for partner assignment. All month visit that blog and make comments. Easy. Here are the details to start:
Sign up: Lonna @ FLYLÄ“F and Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense. Make an intro post. (That is this!) Wait for assignment. Make a post at the end of the month of how it went.


  1. I have several French films on DVD if you would want to borrow one. :)

  2. That's three good challenges! I am also doing the big book challenge and thought I would maybe read one, but I've already finished 2 that were over 400. They were both YA so they went quickly, but they count!

  3. Oh! I'd kind of lost track that you hadn't officially signed up yet :) Still plenty of time! So, welcome to the Big Book Summer Challenge!

    I really enjoyed both All the Light You Can Not See and Suite Francaise - but, yeah, not real light summer reads! I need to spread my WWII novels out a bit.

    Your other challenges sound like fun, too - enjoy!


    2018 Big Book Summer Challenge


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.