Monday, April 23, 2018

TTT: Frequently found words on titles of books I've read

Top Ten Tuesday: With the use of analytics on Goodreads, these are commonly found words in titles of books I've read.
GIRL(S): 37
The most recently read books with GIRL in the title:

BOOK: 38
The most recently read books with BOOK in the title:

Most recently read books with WORLD in the title:

Other words which showed up frequently: America(n)---30; Love--- 22;
Boy(s)---18; Dog(s)--- 10; Moon and Star(s) each----9; Novel--- 8; New(s)--- 7.

Interesting, huh?


  1. Great post! Isn't it neat how those words show up so much? I have a feeling "girl" in particular would be in a ton of mine, too!

  2. I love that you used Goodreads! Clever. :-)

  3. You're going to have to tell me how you used Google to do this! I also used Google, but I just searched my shelves for random words I thought of. Is there an easier way to do this!? Girl/Girls was my most popular as well. :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

    1. I didn't do anything magical. I just typed in words to the search bar under the books I've read and then counted the titles. Some were weird and I dismissed them For example I search CAT and it gave me every book I'd read by Cat Winters or Cathy somebody. Ha!

  4. After putting mine together, I noticed I probably had ten books using "girl," but oh well! That's for another post, right? :)

    Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne.

  5. I used "girl" because it was super quick and easy ha ha! This is great though, interesting that "book"and "world" had so many, but it makes sense!

  6. Interesting how you figured this out. I am very curious about “girl.” Why is it so common these days?

    1. I'm guessing that there are so many titles with GIRLS in them because the main readers in high school are girls?!

  7. Interesting list! Makes me wonder if mine would be any different.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  8. Gosh Girl is an incredibly common one!
    My TTT:

  9. I didn't keep up with my Goodreads so this wouldn't work for me!

  10. Such an interesting thing to find out. It's funny that so many books have the word book in their title!

  11. That is pretty neat how you did that!! I wonder what mine would've been!! Very nice list too!

  12. I find it kind of amusing that there are so many books with the word book in them. Great way to find out frequently used words in the books you pick up.

  13. Wow I wish I had your reading gusto. I thought I was doing pretty good with having 8 books with the same word in them hahaha

    My TTT

    1. I've been tracking my books on Goodread since half way through 2009, nearly 1000 books.

  14. I also used Goodreads to come up with my list - though it was more so for the books I was going to showcase. I already knew which words show up the most among my fave topics. Great list!

  15. Awesome post! There sure are a lot of books with girl and book in the title!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  16. How fun to check lists on Goodreads! I will have to look into trying it.;)

  17. This is interesting! I really like that you actually checked the numbers on this one :)


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