Thursday, April 26, 2018

Friday Quotes: The Poet X

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Title: The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

Book Beginnings:


The summer is made for stoop-sitting
and since it's the last week before school starts.
Harlem is opening its eyes to September.

Friday 56:

During Communion

Ever since I was ten,
I've always stood with other parishioners
at the end of Mass to receive the bread and wine.
But today, when everybody thrusts up from their seats
and faces Father Sean, my ass feels bolted to the pew.

Comments: I just started reading this YA book which is about a young teen who can express herself only through her writing, specifically poetry. The whole book is written in verse. Not sure what I think of it yet but it is possible to read very quickly so I won't get bogged down for long if I don't care for the book. I like reading poetry but I often find the poetry in novels written in verse to be not very good. In these examples I find these words very compelling and i am hoping for more good lines like this: Harlem is opening its eyes to September.

Do you like reading novels written in verse?


  1. Sounds like an interesting read! I like that cover too!
    I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!

  2. My favorite middle grade in verse is Grow by Juanita Havill. I'm a Kwame Alexander fan, too.

    Hope you enjoy it.

    1. What I like about Kwame Alexander's books is his poetry is very good.

  3. I don't read much poetry but I do like the sound of this one!

  4. The excerpts sound good...although I am not a fan of novels in verse. I hope you enjoy it! Here's mine: “THE NEW NEIGHBORS”

  5. I've read a few novels in verse but I'm not a big fan of the genre. This week I have Better Off Read by Nora Page. Happy reading!

  6. The line you pointed out is lovely. But I have to be in the mood to read verse.I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine!

  7. I like the opening of this, too. That's a good line. Sometimes novels in verse are OK, but I agree it's a suspect category. Hopefully this carries on as well as it began! It's an old mystery for me: Lament For A Maker

  8. I've been seeing this a lot recently. It sounds fascinating.

    My Friday 56 from Shadowfall

  9. Sounds like something a bit different. Enjoy!

  10. I don't like books written in verse. They seem artificial to me.

  11. Novels in verse aren't usually for me, but I have heard a lot of great things about this one. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me


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