Tuesday, January 23, 2018

TTT: Books I Liked When I Read Them But Now They Have Faded In My Memory

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Liked When I Read Them But Now They Have Managed to Fade in My Memory

I was actually surprised to see this book, History is All You Left Me, on my "Books Read" list on Goodreads. I didn't remember reading it until I read the brief summary. It has a lot of good press from reviewers but obviously didn't make a big impression on me. (Date finished: March 19, 2017)

I remember liking This Is What I Did by Ann Dee Ellis, when I read it in March 2, 2017, but I honestly can't remember anything about it even after reading the preview. Sigh.

When We Was Fierce by e.E Charlton-Trujillo was such a controversial novel the publisher pulled it before it was released. Somehow I got a hold of a copy, read it, got caught up in the controversy and completely forgot the story line. (Finished date: September 2, 2016)

I don't remember the characters or the plot but I remember where I sat when I read this book---my back office desk. I would read it each day at work for a week while I ate my lunch. (Finished May 5, 2016.)

The Same Sky was a book club selection, which means we discussed the book and yet when I saw this on Goodreads I drew a complete blank. (Read in 2015)

I am a huge Rainbow Rowell fan so it is very odd that Landline isn't coming in clearer in my memory. (Read in November 2014)

A.S. King is a kick-ass author. All her books are so good, yet recently they seem to have formed an amalgamative mass of gel in my brain and I can't remember which story is which. Glory O'Brien's History of the Future just isn't clear in my memory anymore. (Read in 2014)

Oddly, these two books are linked in my memory even though I read them over a year apart (2014 and 2015.) I really like both of them and looking at both of the covers at the same time I can tell you which is which but if you just held up one, I'd be confused. One time I stood in front of a class doing a book talk and held up the book The Truth Commission and told the students the plot line of The Vigilante Poets. Egads. No wonder it was time to retire.

I love this book. At least I think I do. It got 5-stars on my Goodreads page.  My book review said it would be my go-to book recommendation for the year. Yet, months later when we were discussing it for book club, I could barely remember anything about the story except that I liked it and there was a book store. Pathetic memory.

Do you have book which you loved but now can barely remember? Let me know that I am not alone. Please leave a comment below.  Thanks.
P.S. I read over 150 books last year and around 120 books the year before. As I perused my reading list on Goodreads I had to go back to 2015 and 2014 before I found too many books I liked which I couldn't really remember very clearly. As a librarian I was constantly making book recommendations as part of my job. So plots and characters would stay in my brain for a while. Though I found these ten books that aren't clear in my memory, I don't don't feel too bad about myself. I'd say, in general, I remember the books I read and a bit about them.


  1. I've never heard of half of these books. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Ha-ha. I am guessing these books aren't very memorable. Maybe check out my lists of favorite books, instead.

    2. I loved AJ Fikry and remember it quite well.

  2. Hi Anne,

    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Like yourself with mine, I am not familiar with these books.

  3. I loved Landline. It was actually my first Rainbow Rowell book. But, I understand that it's hard to remember some books for some reason. I wonder why.

  4. I think if you write a short synopsis on whatever you read you remember it easier. I read History Is All You Left Me this month.
    But Rainbow Rowell's Attachments? Not a thing.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  5. It is such a strange feeling to know you loved/liked a book but not be able to remember the details. It happens to me more than I care to admit. :-)

    1. It is so odd how some books slip away. It is like leaving a party without saying goodbye.

  6. I really suck at remembering books haha, but I REALLY loved History Is All You Left Me so luckily that one has stayed in my memory. <3 Also I've read a few AS King books and forgotten them all so I'm with you there. 😂

    1. Obviously what is happening in our lives at the time helps determine if a book stays put. A.S. King's book are all starting to blur together. They are all pretty similar.

  7. I still need to read Landline. I've been wanting to for a while! And The Truth Commission looks interesting. That's a great story BTW, about getting the two mixed up! Maybe they didn't notice. :)

    1. I'd skip Landline, if I was you. It is pretty forgettable.

  8. I read landline awhile ago and don't remember most of it... I know it had to do with a married couple and a bunch of flashbacks but I really can't remember. All I know is that I didn't like it.
    Great list and Happy reading!

    1. That's about all I could remember of Landline, too. I can't even remember how the phone, a landline, factors into the story.

  9. I just finished History Is All You Left Me. I don't think it was quite as powerful as Silvera's first novel, but still a good read. Too bad it didn't make a lasting impression on you.

    1. Hopefully it will stick in your memory better than mine.

  10. Your list of books is going into my TBR.. they all sound fascinating and wonder how I had not heard of them before (expect for a couple).. and yes, there are a few books that I see on my 'already read' lists and i wonder when i read them :)

  11. I don't remember much about Landline either. Great list, Anne!

  12. Yeah, Landline and Attachments were kind of "meh" for me, but I liked Fangirl and loved Eleanor & Park. Glory O'Brien is one of my favorite A. S. King books, along with Ask the Passengers and Everybody Sees the Ants. I could have put History is All You Left me on my list too though. I read The Truth Commission as a Cybils judge, so I have an okay handle on it, but now I'm curious about Vigilante Poets!

    And I forget the plot of books ALL THE TIME. It's embarrassing, really.

  13. Definitely going to have to put some of these titles on my to-read list! x

  14. I’ve decided that this Memory Loss About Books Readers Love (MAB, perhaps?) must be something doctors need to investigate, like a flu or plague, so that we can inoculate ourselves against it. It is widespread among readers.

    1. We just read so many books new ones keep shoving the old ones to the side.

  15. I haven't read any Adam Silvera but I just ordered 'They Both Die at the End' and I'm really looking forward to reading that. Thank you for stopping by my blog.



  16. I love the cover for The Stories Life of A.J. Fikry.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. . Thanks for stopping by earlier.

  17. I'm also a big fan of Rainbow Rowell but Landline didn't click for me. I think this is why I'm so picky with giving out 4.5 or 5 star reviews.

  18. This is actually the second time I have seen Landline on someone's list! That's super interesting. I have a fuzzy memory about it too, but I think I remember it a bit more because I really disliked it and for some reason it's easier to remember something when you really disliked it.

  19. I haven't read a single novel by Rainbow Rowell despite the fact that a. she writes contemporary (my favorite genre) and b. I see SO many good reviews for her books. Perhaps in 2018 I'll change that and add one of hers to my "read" shelf on Goodreads. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne.

  20. I haven't read any of these though I did read some other Rainbow Rowell that have faded from my memory haha.

  21. I read Landline and rated it quite highly, but whenever I think back to it I can't remember liking it much at all! I think I might need to give it a reread - there must have been some redeeming qualities, but in hindsight I can only remember the boring bits.

  22. I loved Landline - I remember at least some of it. :)


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