Thursday, January 18, 2018

Friday Quotes...Fire and Fury

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Title: Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff

Book Beginnings:
Author's note (p. xi): The reason to write this book could not be more obvious. With the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, the United States entered the eye of the most extraordinary political storm since at least Watergate. As the day approached, I set out to tell this story in as contemporaneous a fashion as possible and try to see life in the Trump White House through the eyes of the people closest to it.
Friday 56:
The other point is that [Steve] Bannon, however smart and even charismatic, however much he extolled the virtue of being a "stand-up guy," was not necessarily a nice guy.
Everyone is talking about this controversial book. I had to read it to see what all Wolff discovered from his more than seventeen interviews with those working for Trump in the White House. Admittedly I can't read it very fast. It makes me so angry. For example: did you know that Trump didn't really want to win the election? He thought running for President would be good for his ratings so he could start a Trump media station.


  1. I am surprised. The beginning of Fire And Fury book seems very easy to read.

  2. I hope you write more about this book.

  3. I can believe anything about the Trump show at this point.

  4. No way will I read this book. My blood pressure would probably go through the roof! LOL

    My Friday 56 from Look For Her

  5. I'm reading this one, too, and I had to set it aside for awhile, as it makes me angry, too. I'll be reading more today. I had heard that about him not wanting to win...and now my question is: why don't you just resign, jerk?

    Thanks for sharing, Anne, and for visiting my blog.

  6. What an intriguing book! I don't do nonfiction and have no interest in Trump, so it will not be added to my TBR pile. I'm spotlighting Year One by Nora Roberts. Happy reading!

  7. My best librarian friend is picking up her copy of this book today. She has promised to give it to me as soon as she finishes it. In my opinion, every day of the current presidency has the country flirting with disaster. There has never been such a bunch of incompetents (and lots of other terms I could add) in the White House and I fear for our future.

  8. On the fence about reading this. Interested in hearing what you think about that and I see you are reading Far from the Tree. Thanks for stopping by my Friday Memes post.


  9. As they say, this is a good example of the warning: Be careful what you wish for. And he got it!

  10. I would avoid this book like the plague. Being Canadian, I want nothing to do with discussing or reading about that person, you in America, call president. Happy weekend!

  11. I have been hearing a lot about this one lately! Not sure if it is one that I will pick up, but I am definitely intrigued by what it has to say, though.

  12. I don't have plans to read this one, but I have been hearing a lot about it.

  13. I remember hearing that he didn't really want to win even before he was elected. I don't particularly like to read books like this (about politicians in general), but admit Trump's outrage over it and attempt to keep it from being released only serves to increase my curiosity about it. I kind of want to buy a copy just for that reason, even if I never read it. I am sure this one would have me fuming throughout.

  14. I don't think my B/P could handle the book either. It is pretty obvious by the job he's doing that he didn't really want to be President. Ugh.

  15. Thanks for sharing these excerpts! I don't think I could stomach reading this at the moment, but I am interested in hearing about its contents.

  16. I don't know if I'd want to read this book, but I can imagine it's filled with lots of interesting information. Have a great weekend! :)

  17. Not my thing but I hope you enjoyed this read. :)

  18. Hi!

    As a Brit, it would be an interesting read, but I do feel like it would make me very angry. I've met people who think he's great. I cannot understand it myself, but he's powerful and that's a worrying thing... to a Brit. At least. ;)

    1. Forgot to leave you my link:

      Have a great weekend!

    2. You've met someone who thinks Trump is great? Ugh. I don't know anyone who would admit that. Yuck.

  19. This sounds like it could be really interesting.

  20. I ended up requesting this from the library. I'm 130th in line. It might take a while. Happy weekend!

  21. Excellent choice of books! I'm curious about this one. Interesting 56 about Steve Bannon, though no surprise regarding his character. He always gave me the heeby jeebies! Have a great weekend :)

    Jo-Ann at Inspiration Pie

  22. Thanks for sharing and for coming by my blog.

  23. Like others, I'm going to skip this one! But I'm glad you shared the opening on Book Beginnings. I don't often get time to comment, but I appreciate your participation!

  24. Thank you for sharing the quotes. This is probably all what I will read in this book, so it is good to have this reference. As you say; I would probably be to angry to read and it would disturb my piece of mind.
    I find it interesting to read books that everybody is talking about, but just have to skip this one. Thank you for sharing these notes.

  25. I'm on hold for this at the library - I'll probably be so angry at it too...

  26. I never read hyped up books. It took me until last year to read the Harry Potter series. I'm glad I finally read them, but I could skip this book and not feel like I missed anything.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


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