Monday, December 11, 2017

TTT: Favorite books of the year

Top Ten Tuesday: My favorite books of the year.
Oh gosh. How can I decide? There were so many good books that I read this year. 
How do I narrow  down the lists? 
I know. I'll identify some of my favorites by category, which means the list has more than ten books.

Favorite YA Fiction
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein
La Belle Sauvage (Book of Dust #1) by Philip Pullman
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
The Uninterrupted View of the Sky by Melanie Crowder
All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

Favorite Adult Fiction
 The One-In-a-Million Boy by Monica Wood
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
News of the World by Paulette Jiles
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
LaRose by Louise Erdrich
Commonwealth by Ann Patchett
Ordinary Grace by Willian Krueger

Favorite YA/MG Nonfiction
The March Against Fear by Ann Bausum
Uprooted by Albert Marrin
Isaac the Alchemist by Mary Losture
The Whydah by Martin Sandler
Girl Rising by Tonya Lee Stone
A Dog in the Cave by Kay Frydenborg
Undefeated by Steve Shienkin
Vincent and Theo by Deborah Heiligman

Favorite Adult Nonfiction
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie
The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe
In Our Backyard by Nita Belles
Lab Girl by Hope Jahren

What about you? What are some of your favorite books of 2017?


  1. You've read some great books, Anne! I really enjoyed The Hate U Give. I'm intrigued about Turtles All The Way Down.

  2. I picked up 'Turtles,' but have as yet to read it. Here's hoping I read it in 2018!!

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne - and HAPPY 2018 reading!! :)

  3. I read Homegoing last year and adored it! I've got The Underground Railroad sitting on my shelf and I hope to read it before the end of the year.
    My TTT.

  4. LaRose was great wasn't it? I've heard her latest isn't as good though :-(

  5. I really should read The Hate You Give. Everyone seems to love this book so much!
    Great list! 😊

  6. I actually didn`t enjoy "Turtles All The Way Down" as much as I thought I would. It`s still a very important book and everyone should read it. Yay for "The Hate U Give".

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. I am an unabashed John Green fan so Turtles delighted me because I love his writing even if I don't like the topic.

  7. I had a lot of the same books you have in my lists. I also felt the need to create several small lists.

    Thanks for sharing your list!

  8. I like how you broke it down. I really want to read Turtles All The Way Down.

  9. The only one of these I've read this year, is The Pearl Thief, which I enjoyed, though not as much as Code Name Verity!
    My TTT:

    1. I had a hard time getting going on Code Name and I was able to jump right into Pearl Thief. Wein's writing is spectacular. I also liked Rose Under Fire.

  10. I love how you split everything up. Awesome idea!

  11. I'd really love to read Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass and then The Book of Dust. I know nothing, though. Are the two somewhat related? The Pearl Thief sounds right up my alley, and I'd love to read literary fiction works The Underground railroad and Homecoming! As well as Pachinko, which is not on your list but which was very acclaimed this year!!

    Here's my TTT:

    1. Pullman's His Dark Materials series (Gold Compass) is one of my favorites. It was published years ago so I was hppaily surprised to find La Belle Sauvage published this year as a prequel to the earlier series.

  12. Excellent and varied list! I know I just added more to my TBR than I should have.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  13. Great list! I'm on my last hurdle of finishing up books for this year. I wish Vincent and Theo got more love. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot of new facts.

  14. It's been a BUSY couple of months and I never visited the blogophere. Simply because I know how it just eats up time!! But I've missed you guys. The absence was good for my TBR list however. But after just a couple of hours back - it is in chaos again!!

    Some lovely books you've listed here. Life after Life is my number 1 book on my TBR list. Maybe I should just read it this holidays...!

    Thanks for sharing and here's my TTT:

    1. Life after Life begs to be discussed. Come back if you can't find anyone to talk to about the book. I'd love to chat about it.

  15. Love how you did separate categories for this list. I really want to read Long Way Down as I've heard many times. Great list!

  16. Great lists! I'm reading Long Way Down right now - so good!

  17. I love the variety you have here - so many great books to choose from. happy Reading!

  18. I never got a chance to read Turtles All the Way Down this year but I hope to in 2018! Great list!

  19. So many of your fiction choices are on my TBR list. I guess I’m going to be reading some really good books next year.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  20. I love your reading list. We seem to have similar interest in books but you got through many more than I did! My TBR list keeps growing and rather than reading I like seeing what others have posted! I love Ann Patchetts Bel Canto and Commonwealth is one I need to read. The Hate U Give was thought provoking and made my Top Ten too!

  21. This is such a great mix of books. I really enjoyed Turtles All the Way Down too. Here's my list from today.

  22. I loved the Hate U Give. That definitely made my top 10 list too! Underground Railroad is on my TBR. Glad to hear you liked it.

  23. I loved Life after Life and would love to discuss it. I’m happy that so many of your favorites are from Book Club. Ordinary Grace blew me away. The writing and characters were outstanding.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Such a good list! I am just beginning Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds and am really looking forward to it

  26. So many great picks! I loved Lab Girl and The End of Your Life Book Club too :)

  27. The Hate U Give. I think I really have to check that out. You're not the first to mention it.


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