Thursday, July 20, 2017

Anne's Cookbook: Green Smoothie

Anne's version of the Hippy-Dippy green smoothie: A new breakfast staple at our house is a homemade green smoothie. I copied the idea from a restaurant in Santa Fe where the ingredients were listed but not the proportions. Here is my version of the Hippy-Dippy. Try it, you really might like it.
Anne's Hippy-Dippy Green Smoothie (Serves 2) 
8 oz. of organic apple juice, unsweetened (I use Treetop Organic Honeycrisp Apple Juice or Trader Joe's Brand Apple juice---select the cloudy-looking juice) 
1 largish organic kale leaf with the center stem removed 
10-15 cilantro leaves 
5-10 parsley leaves, depending on size, remove as much of the stem as possible 
Fresh ginger, peeled and grated. I use about a half inch of the root and use a ginger grater. (This is the secret ingredient that makes this smoothie so delightful. Use fresh ginger for sure!)
Juice of one small lemon, seeds removed. 
Blend thoroughly. Pour into juice glasses immediately. The smoothie will separate into layers (see photo.) 
1-3 ice cubes, I like it cold. 
I have a KitchenAid  blender and it works beautifully, really pulverizing and juicing up the ingredients and grinding up the ice. If you don't have a good blender, this drink may end up being too pulpy for you. After suffering through many, many low powered, bad blenders I finally bit the bullet and bought this expensive one and it is worth every penny. 
You may want to use a spoon to stir it as you drink.  Yum!  I hope you enjoy it. 

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