Monday, April 24, 2017

TTT: That Will Make Me Instantly NOT Want To Read A Book

Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly NOT Want To Read A Book

I'm basing this almost exclusively on covers...because I will not find out what is inside.

1. If the cover looks like this...I will not read it.

2. If the covers looks like this....I will not read it.

3. If the book is written by or is about this man, I will not read it.

4. If the book is anti-science...I will not read it.

5. Books that are clearly (and not clearly) racist...I will not read

6.  If the book is anti-feminist, I will not read it

7.  Books that are designed to make people think that God doesn't love ALL people will not be books I ever read. (This book teaches kids to pray the gay away.)

8. I will never read anything which involves killing animals on purpose

9. Preachy books really bug me, so I avoid them and didn't read them to my children when they were little.

10.  Any book by or about this guy...I will not read. I don't respect him at all.


  1. Love this, and whole heartedly agree. I always forget I have the "Make American Kittens Again" add-on on Chrome until I find myself looking at an adorable picture of a kitten taking a nap and wondering why you won't read any books by or about the kitten.

  2. What a great list Anne! I can't believe that God made Dad and Mom book! How is that ever ok!?

  3. Your first one: NOPE! I laugh myself silly when I see covers like that. They're soo over the top ridiculous. :D

    Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne.

  4. Those first three- on my gosh so true!!! although yeah #4, and heck #5... maybe the whole list! But yeah #'s 2 and 3- gimme a break lol.

    Trump- ugh. No thanks.

  5. Brilliant list! Yes to everything on this list. :)

  6. Yes, agree, agree, agree.

    I really don't think you will be in such complete solidarity with me, however.

  7. OMG YES! I agree with every single thing on your list! You win TTT today! :)

  8. #5 and #7 made me gasp out loud. Great list.

  9. Oh my gosh, yes to every single one of these! It's like you're in my head.

  10. What a fabulous list and I wouldn't have been able to articulate it, but I agree with every single one of your book turn-offs. Well done.

  11. 100% agree with you here! I'm blown away that that Little Golden Book is real....

  12. Great list-I won't read them either, although I do read some Regency romances by selected authors. (who can write well)

  13. Awesome list! I will definitely be avoiding these books also!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog


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