Monday, March 13, 2017

TTT: TBR Spring Books 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: What books top my to-be-read pile of books this Spring.

The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas
A YA book I've been seeing on a lot of lists.

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
Set in Africa with the roots of slavery forming the framework of the stories. I've started it but had to put it on the back burner until I am done with my current audiobook.

Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War by Mary Roach
This book is this year's selection for Pierce Reads 2017!

Dear Bob and Sue by Matt and Karen Smith
Matt and Karen visit all the National Parks and write to their friends about their experiences. 
A book club selection.

We Are OK by Nina LaCour
This is one of the first four-starred reviews of 2017. I love LaCour's writing and hope this one is as good and the reviews state.

This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel
Another upcoming book club selection.

History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
Another 2017 YA title. This author got a lot of love last year. Will this book live up to the hype?


  1. I'm currently reading The Hate U Give and I'm really enjoying it. I hope you enjoy these books when you get around to them!

    1. Good to know. I expect the book soon for the library as it is a Junior Library Guild book for an upcoming month.

  2. I know that you are probably hearing this from all over but The Hate U Give is 100% up to the hype. SO good.

  3. These are all books That I want to read also. I can't wait for your reviews!

  4. I've heard so many great things about's one I need to get to reading soon too!

    1. I hope so. So far I am pretty disturbed by the storyline.

  5. Nina LaCour is always a good bet and The Hate You Give Us also looks good!

  6. I'm really looking forward to The Hate U Give too.

    Happy reading!

  7. The Hate You Give is supposed to be excellent. I hope you love it!

    My TTT

    1. I hope to get to it soon, but I don't think it is scheduled for arrival at the library for a few months.

  8. I thought Homegoing was a powerful read. I hope you do, too!

  9. I've got 5 out of 7 books on your list also on my tbr. I'm going to unfortunately read The Hate U Give after Spring Break because my library order won't come in next week. :(

  10. I've been meaning to read a Mary Roach book for ages now and still haven't done it - maybe this one will be the one :-)

    1. I read STIFF and laughed my way through it. I started GULP but had to return it to the library and haven't gotten back to it. Now I will try GRUNT and hope to return to GULP.

  11. Most of these titles are new to me. My husband went on a Mary Roach binge and listened to all her audiobooks; he said Grunt was pretty good. I hope you enjoy them all!

  12. I'm currently reading The Hate U Give and loving it. Can't wait to pick up We Are Okay. Great list!

    1. I saw that on your webpage. Glad to know you like it.

  13. I'm familiar of most of these titles but I haven't read any of them. I hope you enjoy reading them! :)

    My TTT

  14. I'm struggling with Homegoing, although Eileen and Debbie love it so far. I'm depressed by it. It's also one of those books that is in short story format, although the people are related to each other.

    1. I'm struggling, too, though I had to set it aside for LaRose. I'm nearly done with that audiobook and then will refocus on Homegoing.

  15. Hi, I'm anxious to get to We Are Okay!
    My TTT

  16. Great list! I'm also excited for the Hate You Give!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  17. WOW so many of these are on my list too! I just finished History is All You Left Me and really liked it :D I hope you do too!


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