Monday, March 27, 2017

TTT: Authors I Have Met in Person

Hosted by The Broke and Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I have actually met in person. 

1. John Green, author of several of my favorite YA books: Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, and The Fault In Our Stars among them.

2. Jay Asher, another YA author. His book 13 Reasons Why is being made into a movie now.

3. Frank McCourt, the author of Angela's Ashes and Teacher Man. I met him the year before he died.

4. Suki Kim author of the nonfiction book Without You, There is No Us about her experiences in North Korea.
5. Kim Derting, a YA author who lives nearby in community not far from here. Her series, The Body Finder, is very popular in my library.
6. Sherman Alexie is another Washington State author. I have heard him speak several times and read many of his books. He writes about the Native American experience. His most popular book is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

7. Leslye Walton, I loved her YA book The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender. When I met Miss Walton I sort of screamed/swooned. Ha!

8. Frank Beddor. Frank's series The Looking Glass Wars has recently become popular in my library after languishing on the shelves for years. He now has a new graphic series, Hatter M. which is building up its own following. I met him last year at the Cavalcade of Authors West last year and spoke to him on the phone earlier this year. He kindly replaced a few books which were poorly bound by one of his publishers.

9. Kazu Kibuishi. the author and illustrator of the wildly popular graphic novel Amulet series. I love it that his photo is actually one of his illustrations.

10. William Ritter is another YA author I met at the Cavalcade of Authors West last year. Kids love, and so do I, his Jackaby series.

11. Anthony Doerr, author of All the Light We Cannot See which was my favorite book read in 2015. He is a very interesting guy.

12. Marissa Meyer, the Cinder series, is another local author. I attended her launch party for the finale book Winter. She and her books are wildly popular with girls.


  1. Wow, you've met some amazing authors! :-)

  2. I'd probably not get a word in that makes ANY sense if ever I met my favorite authors. That said, it'd still be fun. :) YAY for meeting Jay Asher. I read his book What Light and thought it was wonderful.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Anne.

    1. I actually had a very nice discussion with Jay Asher. He is just a regular guy! Very easy to talk to.

  3. I didn't know Kimberly Derting lived in Washington! I really enjoyed her books and I hope she writes something new soon!

    1. Yes, she lives about ten miles from my school. She is one of the coordinators in the Cavalcade of Authors West which is going to me in May this each in Tacoma.

  4. Great list of authors! My two favorites that I've met are Ray Bradbury and Roald Dahl.

  5. John Green would be interesting, and I think Marissa Meyer as well (she was once touring near here but I didn't find out in time to go).

  6. Great list! John Green was super nice when I met him too!

  7. There is nothing like meeting an author. I wonder who will come to BookExpo this year....

  8. I have to agree with Greg and Jennifer. John Green would be a fun person to meet. I'm glad to hear that he was so friendly when Jennifer met him.

    Frank McCourt would be a treat to meet as well. His books are incredible.

    Here is my TTT.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You've met some really amazing authors!!

  10. Fun post! I haven't done a TTT in a while maybe I'll do it on Friday. I met several authors at the annual ALA conference like John Green and Sherman Alexie. I was awestruck the entire time my first year. I had to get selective my second time around. LOL

    p.s. Will you be attending the conference in Chicago this year?

    1. Oh what a lovely thought, but no. I have only attend ALA when it was in Seattle.

  11. I have met John Green, but Jay Asher would be amazing. I love 13 Reasons Why, and I actually really enjoyed his newest book, What Light despite it being a much different kind of book.

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  12. Hi! Wow, some great authors here. Frank McCourt would have been especially interesting for me!
    My TTT

  13. John Green went to college near where I live - and when he came back to the school for a visit awhile ago it was originally supposed to be open to the public. Unfortunately, right before the event when he was going to speak it was decided it was only for college employees and students. That was a major disappointment.... The same happened with Ransom Riggs visit to his alma mater.

  14. I'm pretty sure I'd scream/swoon if I met Leslye Walton. I loved Ava Lavender so much.

  15. Wow, you've met some really popular ones!! That's awesome!! I saw Marissa Meyer at a con I was at, but I still haven't read anything by her, so I didn't go up to meet her.

  16. You have met some very popular authors - and they must be popular, because even I know who they are and I read non-fiction almost exclusively :) How awesome to have met Frank McCourt, very cool. I am interested in the Cinder series.I keep hearing about it and it has finally made its way onto my TBR!

  17. Wow, that's a lot of authors! How lovely!

  18. Oh my goodness, I know a lot of kids at my library would be DIE to meet Kazu Kibuishi!!

  19. I loved Cinder! You've met some pretty amazing authors.

  20. Lovely list you have here. Marissa Meyer is so nice!!! I met her once. I would love to meet Kazu Kibuishi one day.


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