Friday, March 10, 2017

15th Classics Club SPIN number is...

The Classics Club SPIN was today.

So today is the day to discover what book I will be reading for the next six weeks and it is....


The 12th book on my list is Tales of the South Pacific by James Michener.

Published in 1947 this is the book that launched Michener's career. He is a master storyteller. This book is set in the South Pacific during WWII and from it came the famous Broadway Show: "South Pacific." Tales of the South Pacific won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948. I've read at least one other book by Michener many years ago, Centennial, which was an epic tale almost starting at the beginning of time. I wonder if this book starts the same way? I don't have my own copy of the book so I will have to borrow it from the public library

In case you are playing along, consult your list. The book you will be reading is your 12th book on the list.

Here is my original list.

Happy Reading.



  1. Oh, this sounds good - I haven't heard of it before so I'll be interested to hear what you think of it. My spin winner is Lorna Doone...

    1. I loved Lorna Doone as a kid. I must have read an abridged version because when I tried to reread it as an adult I found it overwhelming. Ha! Good luck.

  2. I really wanted to do this, but couldn't get my act together in time :(

  3. Michener has always been consistently popular at my library - hope you enjoy it!

  4. It's like playing book roulette! I have a book to read for a review by March 20 and then I'll read the 12th book on my TBR shelf (this is my version of the game): The Forbidden Orchard by Sharon Biggs Waller

    1. Good idea! I lucked out because this is a double-dipper: classic and Pulitzer.

  5. Hi Anne, I don't know much about rum either. When I was younger I used to prefer the white rum (BAcardi) to the dark rum (Coruba). - although rum and coke was incredibly popular in those days - but my poison then was vodka lime and lemonade - the thought of which makes me shudder now! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  6. I've never even thought to read Tales of the South Pacific, even though I've enjoyed the musical. It should be an interesting read. Enjoy!

  7. I read a couple of Michener's a long time ago, Centennial was one of them. maybe in high school? I enjoyed them. I haven't read this one. You made me want to put it on my list. And I loved the musical. Can't wait to hear what you think.

    1. I think I read Centennial in high school, too. If I remember correctly, it started with the beginning of the world. Talk about a large scope.

  8. Although I have heard of this book. I have never read it. I do have some other books by Michener- but I haven't read them yet. I hope you enjoy this one! :)

  9. I never read Michener before. Just the size of his books are intimidating! Good luck on your challenge. My public library does a classics challenge called Mission Impossible. I missed signing up for Don Quixote but I will definitely sign up for it in the fall. I have no idea what they will pick.

    p.s. The Wonder Woman graphic novel that I reviewed is in my collection. I try to read from my school collection as much as possible. :)

    1. This Michener is a bit short than his later books, only 350ish. I haven't read Don Quixote because of the length, either. There are too many books in the world to bog down with one for a long period of time.


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