Monday, November 21, 2016

TTT: Ten bookish things I'm grateful for

Let me pause and just say that this Fall has been rough for me and mine. My brother was diagnosed with serious cancer. iPad deployment was a month-long nightmare at work. My beloved father-in-law abruptly died while on vacation in Arizona. And then the election. Ugh. I am sad, sad, sad over the turn my nation has taken. In light of all these events I still need to pause and gift thanks for so many good things in my life this time a year, specifically (on this blog) for bookish related things, not sure i can come up with ten but I will try.

Bookish things I am thankful for:

1. The English teachers and their classes are back! Two years ago our district selected a particular curriculum which de-emphasized reading full-length books and embraced reading segments of books and essays. Almost all the teachers stopped bringing their classes to the library for free-choice books. Last year a few trickled back and this year they are back in greater number than ever before. I am grateful for English teachers who recognize the importance of getting books in students' hands.

2. For the district tech department that placed filters on the student iPads this school year.  Last year the iPads had no filters and most students spent all their time using the iPads to play games and listen to music. This year kids are finally making their way back to the library and checking out books again after a year hiatus where they almost abandoned books entirely. Finally the iPads are being used for the  purpose they were purchased, to enhance education not to enhance game playing. Whew!

3. Students who love to read. I had a girl who was so excited today when a book I was holding for her came available. She said last year (1st year of iPads) she just couldn't make room for reading, but this year, "everything else is getting pushed over so there is room for books and reading."

4. For my Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church book club.  I was at the very first meeting over 21 years ago and been a member ever since. At our last meeting there were 17 members in attendance. We all love God and love books. Wow.

5. For my RHS Book Club. All nine of us worked together at RHS. Most are retired now, or like me, moved to another school, but we are all Rams and love books. It is so nice to keep this connection going.

6. For audiobooks so I can share my reading experiences with my husband when we are in the car together.

7. For public and school libraries. I know I say this every time I get a chance but libraries really are the best bargain around. Use them!

8. For my fellow librarians locally and nationally. I get so much support from my librarian friends in my district and region, and my blogging librarian friends often offer great suggestions and support, too.

9. For my library clerk. Sharon works really hard every day and I appreciate all she does for our school and how much she helps me do my job. Thank you.

10. For all my blogging and Facebook friends who make comments or link me to all things books, reading, and libraries. I'm afraid you all think of me as a one dimensional character but I love you all.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone (US) and have a good week (International).


  1. A lovely list Anne! So many things to be thankful for. :-)

  2. What a great list! So happy to see librarians being featured as something to be thankful for. They're rockstars!

    Here's my TTT post
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. I am such a huge fan of libraries. They are such a vital part of a community.

  3. Wow. A book club that has lasted 21 years is amazing! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I know 21 years with one group is amazing but it is a fluid group with gals coming and going. We cram ourselves into someone's living room once a month and laugh and talk for a few hours. Sometimes we even talk about the book. Ha!

  4. Thank you for such positive words. This fall has certainly been rough, and I send you lots of love! I'm so glad that the book reading is coming back. I would not survive without it!

    1. You know I love you and I am so glad to have you as a friend on-line and in life.

  5. I am so sorry for what a rough time it has been for you and your family! Thinking of things I'm grateful for does help me when things are difficult. Thank you for being a librarian! Librarians and libraries provide such an important service to their school and communities and they definitely brighten my day. I'm also flabbergasted that you've been in a book club for 21 years - that's amazing!

    1. Thanks for your kind words. It has been a tough few months but I am looking forward to Thanksgiving with family.

  6. Librarians and library clerks are amazing people. So glad that you have a great one at your school. I am thankful for audio books too. :)

    Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

  7. This November has been so brutal for many of us. I'm sorry to hear about your loss and sending you positive thoughts regarding your brother. Hope you had a wonderful time with your family this Thanksgiving.


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