Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday Quotes: Hondo

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Book Title: Hondo by Louis L'Amour

Book Beginning:
He rolled his cigarette in his lips, liking the taste of the tobacco, squinting his eyes against the sun glare.
Friday 56:
They walked slowly. It was very hot. Dust arose. A road runner darted away ahead of them, a streak of dull brown against the desert A rattler buzzed from under a mesquite bush. They walked on.
Comment: My father-in-law, a Western-genre reader, died last week. In honor of his reading life, I am reading my first Louis L'Amour book. It is not my usual genre and I must admit there are parts of it that really bug me. My father-in-law really liked the author so I trying to stay open-minded.


  1. I read quite a few by the author in my late high school/early college years. I don't know how I started but I know it wasn't on my dad's recommendation. He had quit reading for pleasure by then. This week I have Death Among Rubies by R. J. Koreto - a historical mystery. Happy reading!

  2. So sorry about your father-in-law. My dad loved this author and he got me into western novels and movies. Was this one made into a movie?

    My Friday 56 from The Appeal Of Evil

    1. Yes - the one with John Wayne and Geraldine Page

  3. I'm sorry for your loss. I don't read many westerns, so I'm unfamiliar with this author. I hope you enjoy this one.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law passing away. I'm sure you're thinking about him as you read this book.
    Writing has changed a lot over the years. Sometimes when I read something written in the past, the writing bugs me too. I force myself to concentrate on the story rather than the way it has been written. Sometimes (but not always!) that helps.
    My Friday post features The Songbird’s Call.

  5. My condolences on the loss of your father. Western is actually a genre I've never tried. I might have to do that in the near future. Thanks for visiting my blog as well. Happy reading.

  6. I can almost feel that heat....great excerpts. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    So sorry for your loss, but what a great way to honor him.

  7. I absolutely LOVED Lonesome Dove, which was also a Western. (not my normal genre at all) Have you ever read it? Or did your FIL?

    1. Lonesome Dove is on my list because it was a Pulitzer Prize winner and I'm attempting to go back and read several of the previous winners.

  8. I'm sorry about your family's loss - I have never read a Louis L'Amour story but I do know that this one was adapted into a movie with John Wayne and Geraldine Page and it's one of my mother's favorite movies - so needless to say I've watched the movie adaptation numerous times! I might have to give the book version a try. Here's my Friday meme

    1. Oh, I will have to look for the movie. I;ve never watched many Westerns since the old Gunsmoke TV shows.

  9. My dad is a big fan of westerns so I've watched a lot of the genre in the movies and on tv - even the John Wayne Hondo movie! I haven't read many westerns, though I did like Appaloosa by Robert B. Parker and Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman (the newer YA novel which was pretty great). I also really liked Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto, but that was more of a Steampunk, fantasy, scifi western... :)

  10. My dad loved Louis L'Amours' books. Your post makes me miss him. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I don't read westerns, but like Lauren, my dad loves watching western movies, so I'm familiar with the genre. I second Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman, I really enjoyed that one as well.

  12. Well done you! I too have never read Westerns. Glad you are trying one. Thanks for the visit.

  13. What a nice tribute to your father-in-law. I hope you enjoy it in spite of its flaws!


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