Monday, August 1, 2016

TTT: If money were no problem, what books would I buy?

Top Ten Tuesday: Just a little dreaming today. 
What would I buys if I had unlimited funds to buy books?

1. The hardcover set of Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery.
Available for a mere $1000. No problem.

2. The latest hardcover edition of the Harry Potter Series, 2014 ed.
Available for $123.
3. Three book hardcover collectible set of Lord of the Rings.
Available in the secondary market, $99.
4. A 30 book collection of many of the most famous classics of all time, published by Penguin Pub. $552.95

5.  A Wrinkle in Time in Quartet, Hardcover Set
Just a few dollars (ha), $499.99
6. His Dark Materials Set by Philip Pullman
This set seems like a bargain at $44.37

7. Signed copy of the 1977 edition of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
$695. The sky is the limit, right?

8. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 5 books boxed set
Paperback (I couldn't find the complete set in hardcover) $33.96

9. Saint John's Illuminated Bible: The Psalms
I want this and I can afford it at $48.81

Grand Total (you did say it was fully loaded, right?)= $3087.08

I already have a hardcover set of Jane Austen books and of The Chronicles of Narnia. so I don't need them, in case you were wondering about their absence. 

Well, this was fun, but I usually spend very little money on books because I like to borrow books from the library! So I went for it.


  1. These look so beautiful! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  2. They are gorgeous! I didn't even think of this approach. I'd probably go for The Children's Hour set of 16 books that we had when I was growing up ($150 on Amazon) and try to track down a signed Kate Seredy.

    1. Now you are thinking like me. Why not aim for the sky?

  3. I'd buy the rest of the Iris Murdoch first editions I don't have (but slowly!) and then I'd go part-time with my work so I could spend more time READING!

  4. I love that Harry Potter edition, it's gorgeous but I still have all my original hardbacks and they're not in too bad a condition considering how often they've been read.

    And that edition of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, wow!

    Great choices I can't believe that that Anne of Green Gables set is $1000 though! That's insane!

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

  5. Wow, these are beautiful! I really like that Lord of the Rings boxed set. Books can get so expensive, especially if they're special editions...

    Thanks for stopping by Wandering Through Books!

  6. I would love a hardcover set of the Anne books. I also have the Penguin classics, but I picked the four I most want that I don't have. (My husband bought me the Jane Austen set for Christmas.)

  7. Anne of Green Gables is also first on my list! But I didn't dare dream of the hardcovers. That Penguin collection is gorgeous but I think you'd need a new set of shelves for them. :)

    My TTT:

  8. Why did I not think about buying beautifully-bound classics with our fully loaded gift card prompt? I'm an idiot! =)

    My TTT

  9. A signed copy of To Kill a Mockingbird? Yes, yes, yes! I have the same HP set in paperback and they are gorgeous, but the hardbacks set...if money wasn't an issue, I'd like those as well.

  10. Wouldn't it be neat to open a treasure chest and find all these books inside? Such treasure! I can see why you would want all of these, Anne!

  11. omg I like your style. I would definitely use some of the gift card for boxed sets and expensive editions! (I only have one HP set, and it's not the one above, but I *need* it). I looove those Penguin classics and would love to get a few of them. And ah, I've never seen those editions of the LOTR series and now I want them! Man, where's that fully-loaded gift card, huh? :D Thanks for stopping by my top ten!

    Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway

  12. Whew! And I thought I was spending the big bucks! Ain't got nothing on you, Anne!

  13. Those Harry Potter editions are so beautiful! I definitely would want those too.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  14. LOVE it!! You know I almost put a Harry Potter box set on my list but I couldn't find just the one I wanted...The one you listed is pretty darn nice though. I could also get behind the lovely hard cover Anne of Green Gables set!

  15. What a fun list! I would buy all the beautiful Penguin Classics if I had unlimited book money. Penguin sure does know how to make a beautiful book!
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

  16. A beautiful list! I can never think of special editions of things that I want, mostly because I don't know that I would actually read the special editions if I had them - I'd be too scared of ruining them!

  17. A wonderful list Anne! I'm also glad you embraced the fully loaded gift card concept :P.

  18. This is a fun (priced) list. My husband has given me a couple of first editions of Out of Africa in hardback and Amelia Earhart's book The Fun of It in hardback. I didn't ask how much they were but I treasure them!

  19. I absolutely love your list! Would love to have those gorgeous classics and the Anne of Green Gables series too. Also, how gorgeous is that Lord of the Rings edition??

  20. I love the Penguin collection! I would love that one.
    A signed copy of To Kill a Mockingbird would be lovely as well.;)

  21. WoW! That's an ambitious list!...and some of those sets look lovely.

  22. I would love the Anne set and the His Dark Materials. They are books that I would re-read.


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